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Text File | 1998-01-05 | 189.3 KB | 4,040 lines |
- Linux Parallel Processing HOWTO
- Hank Dietz, pplinux@ecn.purdue.edu
- v980105, 5 January 1998
- Parallel Processing refers to the concept of speeding-up the execution
- of a program by dividing the program into multiple fragments that can
- execute simultaneously, each on its own processor. A program being
- executed across N processors might execute N times faster than it
- would using a single processor. This document discusses the four
- basic approaches to parallel processing that are available to Linux
- users: SMP Linux systems, clusters of networked Linux systems, paral¡
- lel execution using multimedia instructions (i.e., MMX), and attached
- (parallel) processors hosted by a Linux system.
- 1. Introduction
- Parallel Processing refers to the concept of speeding-up the execution
- of a program by dividing the program into multiple fragments that can
- execute simultaneously, each on its own processor. A program being
- executed across n processors might execute n times faster than it
- would using a single processor.
- Traditionally, multiple processors were provided within a specially
- designed "parallel computer"; along these lines, Linux now supports
- SMP systems (often sold as "servers") in which multiple processors
- share a single memory and bus interface within a single computer. It
- is also possible for a group of computers (for example, a group of PCs
- each running Linux) to be interconnected by a network to form a
- parallel-processing cluster. The third alternative for parallel
- computing using Linux is to use the multimedia instruction extensions
- (i.e., MMX) to operate in parallel on vectors of integer data.
- Finally, it is also possible to use a Linux system as a "host" for a
- specialized attached parallel processing compute engine. All these
- approaches are discussed in detail in this document.
- 1.1. Is Parallel Processing What I Want?
- Although use of multiple processors can speed-up many operations, most
- applications cannot yet benefit from parallel processing. Basically,
- parallel processing is appropriate only if:
- ╖ Your application has enough parallelism to make good use of
- multiple processors. In part, this is a matter of identifying
- portions of the program that can execute independently and
- simultaneously on separate processors, but you will also find that
- some things that could execute in parallel might actually slow
- execution if executed in parallel using a particular system. For
- example, a program that takes four seconds to execute within a
- single machine might be able to execute in only one second of
- processor time on each of four machines, but no speedup would be
- achieved if it took three seconds or more for these machines to
- coordinate their actions.
- ╖ Either the particular application program you are interested in
- already has been parallelized (rewritten to take advantage of
- parallel processing) or you are willing to do at least some new
- coding to take advantage of parallel processing.
- ╖ You are interested in researching, or at least becoming familiar
- with, issues involving parallel processing. Parallel processing
- using Linux systems isn't necessarily difficult, but it is not
- familiar to most computer users, and there isn't any book called
- "Parallel Processing for Dummies"... at least not yet. This HOWTO
- is a good starting point, not all you need to know.
- The good news is that if all the above are true, you'll find that
- parallel processing using Linux can yield supercomputer performance
- for some programs that perform complex computations or operate on
- large data sets. What's more, it can do that using cheap hardware...
- which you might already own. As an added bonus, it is also easy to
- use a parallel Linux system for other things when it is not busy
- executing a parallel job.
- If parallel processing is not what you want, but you would like to
- achieve at least a modest improvement in performance, there are still
- things you can do. For example, you can improve performance of
- sequential programs by moving to a faster processor, adding memory,
- replacing an IDE disk with fast wide SCSI, etc. If that's all you are
- interested in, jump to section 6.2; otherwise, read on.
- 1.2. Terminology
- Although parallel processing has been used for many years in many
- systems, it is still somewhat unfamiliar to most computer users.
- Thus, before discussing the various alternatives, it is important to
- become familiar with a few commonly used terms.
- SIMD (Single Instruction stream, Multiple Data stream) refers to
- a parallel execution model in which all processors execute the
- same operation at the same time, but each processor is allowed
- to operate upon its own data. This model naturally fits the
- concept of performing the same operation on every element of an
- array, and is thus often associated with vector or array
- manipulation. Because all operations are inherently
- synchronized, interactions among SIMD processors tend to be
- easily and efficiently implemented.
- MIMD (Multiple Instruction stream, Multiple Data stream) refers
- to a parallel execution model in which each processor is
- essentially acting independently. This model most naturally
- fits the concept of decomposing a program for parallel execution
- on a functional basis; for example, one processor might update a
- database file while another processor generates a graphic
- display of the new entry. This is a more flexible model than
- SIMD execution, but it is achieved at the risk of debugging
- nightmares called race conditions, in which a program may
- intermittently fail due to timing variations reordering the
- operations of one processor relative to those of another.
- SPMD (Single Program, Multiple Data) is a restricted version of
- MIMD in which all processors are running the same program.
- Unlike SIMD, each processor executing SPMD code may take a
- different control flow path through the program.
- Communication Bandwidth:
- The bandwidth of a communication system is the maximum amount of
- data that can be transmitted in a unit of time... once data
- transmission has begun. Bandwidth for serial connections is
- often measured in baud or bits/second (b/s), which generally
- correspond to 1/10 to 1/8 that many Bytes/second (B/s). For
- example, a 1,200 baud modem transfers about 120 B/s, whereas a
- 155 Mb/s ATM network connection is nearly 130,000 times faster,
- transferring about about 17 MB/s. High bandwidth allows large
- blocks of data to be transferred efficiently between processors.
- Communication Latency:
- The latency of a communication system is the minimum time taken
- to transmit one object, including any send and receive software
- overhead. Latency is very important in parallel processing
- because it determines the minimum useful grain size, the minimum
- run time for a segment of code to yield speed-up through
- parallel execution. Basically, if a segment of code runs for
- less time than it takes to transmit its result value (i.e.,
- latency), executing that code segment serially on the processor
- that needed the result value would be faster than parallel
- execution; serial execution would avoid the communication
- overhead.
- Message Passing:
- Message passing is a model for interactions between processors
- within a parallel system. In general, a message is constructed
- by software on one processor and is sent through an
- interconnection network to another processor, which then must
- accept and act upon the message contents. Although the overhead
- in handling each message (latency) may be high, there are
- typically few restrictions on how much information each message
- may contain. Thus, message passing can yield high bandwidth
- making it a very effective way to transmit a large block of data
- from one processor to another. However, to minimize the need
- for expensive message passing operations, data structures within
- a parallel program must be spread across the processors so that
- most data referenced by each processor is in its local memory...
- this task is known as data layout.
- Shared Memory:
- Shared memory is a model for interactions between processors
- within a parallel system. Systems like the multi-processor
- Pentium machines running Linux physically share a single memory
- among their processors, so that a value written to shared memory
- by one processor can be directly accessed by any processor.
- Alternatively, logically shared memory can be implemented for
- systems in which each processor has it own memory by converting
- each non-local memory reference into an appropriate inter-
- processor communication. Either implementation of shared memory
- is generally considered easier to use than message passing.
- Physically shared memory can have both high bandwidth and low
- latency, but only when multiple processors do not try to access
- the bus simultaneously; thus, data layout still can seriously
- impact performance, and cache effects, etc., can make it
- difficult to determine what the best layout is.
- Aggregate Functions:
- In both the message passing and shared memory models, a
- communication is initiated by a single processor; in contrast,
- aggregate function communication is an inherently parallel
- communication model in which an entire group of processors act
- together. The simplest such action is a barrier
- synchronization, in which each individual processor waits until
- every processor in the group has arrived at the barrier. By
- having each processor output a datum as a side-effect of
- reaching a barrier, it is possible to have the communication
- hardware return a value to each processor which is an arbitrary
- function of the values collected from all processors. For
- example, the return value might be the answer to the question
- "did any processor find a solution?" or it might be the sum of
- one value from each processor. Latency can be very low, but
- bandwidth per processor also tends to be low. Traditionally,
- this model is used primarily to control parallel execution
- rather than to distribute data values.
- Collective Communication:
- This is another name for aggregate functions, most often used
- when referring to aggregate functions that are constructed using
- multiple message-passing operations.
- SMP:
- SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processor) refers to the operating system
- concept of a group of processors working together as peers, so
- that any piece of work could be done equally well by any
- processor. Typically, SMP implies the combination of MIMD and
- shared memory. In the IA32 world, SMP generally means compliant
- with MPS (the Intel MultiProcessor Specification); in the
- future, it may mean "Slot 2"....
- SWAR (SIMD Within A Register) is a generic term for the concept
- of partitioning a register into multiple integer fields and
- using register-width operations to perform SIMD-parallel
- computations across those fields. Given a machine with k-bit
- registers, data paths, and function units, it has long been
- known that ordinary register operations can function as SIMD
- parallel operations on as many as n, k/n-bit, field values.
- Although this type of parallelism can be implemented using
- ordinary integer registers and instructions, many high-end
- microprocessors have recently added specialized instructions to
- enhance the performance of this technique for multimedia-
- oriented tasks. In addition to the Intel/AMD/Cyrix MMX
- (MultiMedia eXtensions), there are: Digital Alpha MAX
- (MultimediA eXtensions), Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC MAX (Multimedia
- Acceleration eXtensions), MIPS MDMX (Digital Media eXtension,
- pronounced "Mad Max"), and Sun SPARC V9 VIS (Visual Instruction
- Set). Aside from the three vendors who have agreed on MMX, all
- of these instruction set extensions are roughly comparable, but
- mutually incompatible.
- Attached Processors:
- Attached processors are essentially special-purpose computers
- that are connected to a host system to accelerate specific types
- of computation. For example, many video and audio cards for PCs
- contain attached processors designed, respectively, to
- accelerate common graphics operations and audio DSP (Digital
- Signal Processing). There is also a wide range of attached
- array processors, so called because they are designed to
- accelerate arithmetic operations on arrays. In fact, many
- commercial supercomputers are really attached processors with
- workstation hosts.
- RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) is a simple
- technology for increasing both the bandwidth and reliability of
- disk I/O. Although there are many different variations, all
- have two key concepts in common. First, each data block is
- striped across a group of n+k disk drives such that each drive
- only has to read or write 1/n of the data... yielding n times
- the bandwidth of one drive. Second, redundant data is written
- so that data can be recovered if a disk drive fails; this is
- important because otherwise if any one of the n+k drives were to
- fail, the entire file system could be lost. A good overview of
- RAID in general is given at <http://www.dpt.com/uraiddoc.html>,
- and information about RAID options for Linux systems is at
- <http://linas.org/linux/raid.html>. Aside from specialized RAID
- hardware support, Linux also supports software RAID 0, 1, 4, and
- 5 across multiple disks hosted by a single Linux system; see the
- Software RAID mini-HOWTO and the Multi-Disk System Tuning mini-
- HOWTO for details. RAID across disk drives on multiple machines
- in a cluster is not directly supported.
- IA32:
- IA32 (Intel Architecture, 32-bit) really has nothing to do with
- parallel processing, but rather refers to the class of
- processors whose instruction sets are generally compatible with
- that of the Intel 386. Basically, any Intel x86 processor after
- the 286 is compatible with the 32-bit flat memory model that
- characterizes IA32. AMD and Cyrix also make a multitude of
- IA32-compatible processors. Because Linux evolved primarily on
- IA32 processors and that is where the commodity market is
- centered, it is convenient to use IA32 to distinguish any of
- these processors from the PowerPC, Alpha, PA-RISC, MIPS, SPARC,
- etc. The upcoming IA64 (64-bit with EPIC, Explicitly Parallel
- Instruction Computing) will certainly complicate matters, but
- Merced, the first IA64 processor, is not scheduled for
- production until 1999.
- Since the demise of many parallel supercomputer companies, COTS
- (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) is commonly discussed as a
- requirement for parallel computing systems. Being fanatically
- pure, the only COTS parallel processing techniques using PCs are
- things like SMP Windows NT servers and various MMX Windows
- applications; it really doesn't pay to be that fanatical. The
- underlying concept of COTS is really minimization of development
- time and cost. Thus, a more useful, more common, meaning of
- COTS is that at least most subsystems benefit from commodity
- marketing, but other technologies are used where they are
- effective. Most often, COTS parallel processing refers to a
- cluster in which the nodes are commodity PCs, but the network
- interface and software are somewhat customized... typically
- running Linux and applications codes that are freely available
- (e.g., copyleft or public domain), but not literally COTS.
- 1.3. Example Algorithm
- In order to better understand the use of the various parallel
- programming approaches outlined in this HOWTO, it is useful to have an
- example problem. Although just about any simple parallel algorithm
- would do, by selecting an algorithm that has been used to demonstrate
- various other parallel programming systems, it becomes a bit easier to
- compare and contrast approaches. M. J. Quinn's book, Parallel
- Computing Theory And Practice, second edition, McGraw Hill, New York,
- 1994, uses a parallel algorithm that computes the value of Pi to
- demonstrate a variety of different parallel supercomputer programming
- environments (e.g., nCUBE message passing, Sequent shared memory). In
- this HOWTO, we use the same basic algorithm.
- The algorithm computes the approximate value of Pi by summing the area
- under x squared. As a purely sequential C program, the algorithm
- looks like:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdlib.h>;
- #include <stdio.h>;
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- register double width, sum;
- register int intervals, i;
- /* get the number of intervals */
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- /* do the computation */
- sum = 0;
- for (i=0; i<intervals; ++i) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- sum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- sum *= width;
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", sum);
- return(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- However, this sequential algorithm easily yields an "embarrassingly
- parallel" implementation. The area is subdivided into intervals, and
- any number of processors can each independently sum the intervals
- assigned to it, with no need for interaction between processors. Once
- the local sums have been computed, they are added together to create a
- global sum; this step requires some level of coordination and
- communication between processors. Finally, this global sum is printed
- by one processor as the approximate value of Pi.
- In this HOWTO, the various parallel implementations of this algorithm
- appear where each of the different programming methods is discussed.
- 1.4. Organization Of This Document
- The remainder of this document is divided into five parts. Sections
- 2, 3, 4, and 5 correspond to the three different types of hardware
- configurations supporting parallel processing using Linux:
- ╖ Section 2 discusses SMP Linux systems. These directly support MIMD
- execution using shared memory, although message passing also is
- implemented easily. Although Linux supports SMP configurations up
- to 16 processors, most SMP PC systems have either two or four
- identical processors.
- ╖ Section 3 discusses clusters of networked machines, each running
- Linux. A cluster can be used as a parallel processing system that
- directly supports MIMD execution and message passing, perhaps also
- providing logically shared memory. Simulated SIMD execution and
- aggregate function communication also can be supported, depending
- on the networking method used. The number of processors in a
- cluster can range from two to thousands, primarily limited by the
- physical wiring constraints of the network. In some cases, various
- types of machines can be mixed within a cluster; for example, a
- network combining DEC Alpha and Pentium Linux systems would be a
- heterogeneous cluster.
- ╖ Section 4 discusses SWAR, SIMD Within A Register. This is a very
- restrictive type of parallel execution model, but on the other
- hand, it is a built-in capability of ordinary processors.
- Recently, MMX (and other) instruction set extensions to modern
- processors have made this approach even more effective.
- ╖ Section 5 discusses the use of Linux PCs as hosts for simple
- parallel computing systems. Either as an add-in card or as an
- external box, attached processors can provide a Linux system with
- formidable processing power for specific types of applications.
- For example, inexpensive ISA cards are available that provide
- multiple DSP processors offering hundreds of MFLOPS for compute-
- bound problems. However, these add-in boards are just processors;
- they generally do not run an OS, have disk or console I/O
- capability, etc. To make such systems useful, the Linux "host"
- must provide these functions.
- The final section of this document covers aspects that are of general
- interest for parallel processing using Linux, not specific to a
- particular one of the approaches listed above.
- As you read this document, keep in mind that we haven't tested
- everything, and a lot of stuff reported here "still has a research
- character" (a nice way to say "doesn't quite work like it should" ;-).
- However, parallel processing using Linux is useful now, and an
- increasingly large group is working to make it better.
- The author of this HOWTO is Hank Dietz, Ph.D., currently Associate
- Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University,
- in West Lafayette, IN, 47907-1285. Dietz retains rights to this
- document as per the Linux Documentation Project guidelines. Although
- an effort has been made to ensure the correctness and fairness of this
- presentation, neither Dietz nor Purdue University can be held
- responsible for any problems or errors, and Purdue University does not
- endorse any of the work/products discussed.
- 2. SMP Linux
- This document gives a brief overview of how to use SMP Linux
- <http://www.uk.linux.org/SMP/title.html> systems for parallel
- processing. The most up-to-date information on SMP Linux is probably
- available via the SMP Linux project mailing list; send email to
- majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu with the text subscribe linux-smp to join
- the list.
- Does SMP Linux really work? In June 1996, I purchased a brand new
- (well, new off-brand ;-) two-processor 100MHz Pentium system. The
- fully assembled system, including both processors, Asus motherboard,
- 256K cache, 32M RAM, 1.6G disk, 6X CDROM, Stealth 64, and 15" Acer
- monitor, cost a total of $1,800. This was just a few hundred dollars
- more than a comparable uniprocessor system. Getting SMP Linux running
- was simply a matter of installing the "stock" uniprocessor Linux,
- recompiling the kernel with the SMP=1 line in the makefile uncommented
- (although I find setting SMP to 1 a bit ironic ;-), and informing lilo
- about the new kernel. This system performs well enough, and has been
- stable enough, to serve as my primary workstation ever since. In
- summary, SMP Linux really does work.
- The next question is how much high-level support is available for
- writing and executing shared memory parallel programs under SMP Linux.
- Through early 1996, there wasn't much. Things have changed. For
- example, there is now a very complete POSIX threads library.
- Although performance may be lower than for native shared-memory
- mechanisms, an SMP Linux system also can use most parallel processing
- software that was originally developed for a workstation cluster using
- socket communication. Sockets (see section 3.3) work within an SMP
- Linux system, and even for multiple SMPs networked as a cluster.
- However, sockets imply a lot of unnecessary overhead for an SMP. Much
- of that overhead is within the kernel or interrupt handlers; this
- worsens the problem because SMP Linux generally allows only one
- processor to be in the kernel at a time and the interrupt controller
- is set so that only the boot processor can process interrupts.
- Despite this, typical SMP communication hardware is so much better
- than most cluster networks that cluster software will often run better
- on an SMP than on the cluster for which it was designed.
- The remainder of this section discusses SMP hardware, reviews the
- basic Linux mechanisms for sharing memory across the processes of a
- parallel program, makes a few observations about atomicity,
- volatility, locks, and cache lines, and finally gives some pointers to
- other shared memory parallel processing resources.
- 2.1. SMP Hardware
- Although SMP systems have been around for many years, until very
- recently, each such machine tended to implement basic functions
- differently enough so that operating system support was not portable.
- The thing that has changed this situation is Intel's Multiprocessor
- Specification, often referred to as simply MPS. The MPS 1.4
- specification is currently available as a PDF file at
- <http://www.intel.com/design/pro/datashts/242016.htm>, and there is a
- brief overview of MPS 1.1 at
- <http://support.intel.com/oem_developer/ial/support/9300.HTM>, but be
- aware that Intel does re-arrange their WWW site often. A wide range
- of vendors <http://www.uruk.org/~erich/mps-hw.html> are building MPS-
- compliant systems supporting up to four processors, but MPS
- theoretically allows many more processors.
- The only non-MPS, non-IA32, systems supported by SMP Linux are Sun4m
- multiprocessor SPARC machines. SMP Linux supports most Intel MPS
- version 1.1 or 1.4 compliant machines with up to sixteen 486DX,
- Pentium, Pentium MMX, Pentium Pro, or Pentium II processors.
- Unsupported IA32 processors include the Intel 386, Intel 486SX/SLC
- processors (the lack of floating point hardware interferes with the
- SMP mechanisms), and AMD & Cyrix processors (they require different
- SMP support chips that do not seem to be available at this writing).
- It is important to understand that the performance of MPS-compliant
- systems can vary widely. As expected, one cause for performance
- differences is processor speed: faster clock speeds tend to yield
- faster systems, and a Pentium Pro processor is faster than a Pentium.
- However, MPS does not really specify how hardware implements shared
- memory, but only how that implementation must function from a software
- point of view; this means that performance is also a function of how
- the shared memory implementation interacts with the characteristics of
- SMP Linux and your particular programs.
- The primary way in which systems that comply with MPS differ is in how
- they implement access to physically shared memory.
- 2.1.1. Does each processor have its own L2 cache?
- Some MPS Pentium systems, and all MPS Pentium Pro and Pentium II
- systems, have independent L2 caches. (The L2 cache is packaged within
- the Pentium Pro or Pentium II modules.) Separate L2 caches are
- generally viewed as maximizing compute performance, but things are not
- quite so obvious under Linux. The primary complication is that the
- current SMP Linux scheduler does not attempt to keep each process on
- the same processor, a concept known as processor affinity. This may
- change soon; there has recently been some discussion about this in the
- SMP Linux development community under the title "processor binding."
- Without processor affinity, having separate L2 caches may introduce
- significant overhead when a process is given a timeslice on a
- processor other than the one that was executing it last.
- Many relatively inexpensive systems are organized so that two Pentium
- processors share a single L2 cache. The bad news is that this causes
- contention for the cache, seriously degrading performance when running
- multiple independent sequential programs. The good news is that many
- parallel programs might actually benefit from the shared cache because
- if both processors will want to access the same line from shared
- memory, only one had to fetch it into cache and contention for the bus
- is averted. The lack of processor affinity also causes less damage
- with a shared L2 cache. Thus, for parallel programs, it isn't really
- clear that sharing L2 cache is as harmful as one might expect.
- Experience with our dual Pentium shared 256K cache system shows quite
- a wide range of performance depending on the level of kernel activity
- required. At worst, we see only about 1.2x speedup. However, we also
- have seen up to 2.1x speedup, which suggests that compute-intensive
- SPMD-style code really does profit from the "shared fetch" effect.
- 2.1.2. Bus configuration?
- The first thing to say is that most modern systems connect the
- processors to one or more PCI buses that in turn are "bridged" to one
- or more ISA/EISA buses. These bridges add latency, and both EISA and
- ISA generally offer lower bandwidth than PCI (ISA being the lowest),
- so disk drives, video cards, and other high-performance devices
- generally should be connected via a PCI bus interface.
- Although an MPS system can achieve good speed-up for many compute-
- intensive parallel programs even if there is only one PCI bus, I/O
- operations occur at no better than uniprocessor performance... and
- probably a little worse due to bus contention from the processors.
- Thus, if you are looking to speed-up I/O, make sure that you get an
- MPS system with multiple independent PCI busses and I/O controllers
- (e.g., multiple SCSI chains). You will need to be careful to make
- sure SMP Linux supports what you get. Also keep in mind that the
- current SMP Linux essentially allows only one processor in the kernel
- at any time, so you should choose your I/O controllers carefully to
- pick ones that minimize the kernel time required for each I/O
- operation. For really high performance, you might even consider doing
- raw device I/O directly from user processes, without a system call...
- this isn't necessarily as hard as it sounds, and need not compromise
- security (see section 3.3 for a description of the basic techniques).
- It is important to note that the relationship between bus speed and
- processor clock rate has become very fuzzy over the past few years.
- Although most systems now use the same PCI clock rate, it is not
- uncommon to find a faster processor clock paired with a slower bus
- clock. The classic example of this was that the Pentium 133 generally
- used a faster bus than a Pentium 150, with appropriately strange-
- looking performance on various benchmarks. These effects are
- amplified in SMP systems; it is even more important to have a faster
- bus clock.
- 2.1.3. Memory interleaving and DRAM technologies?
- Memory interleaving actually has nothing whatsoever to do with MPS,
- but you will often see it mentioned for MPS systems because these
- systems are typically more demanding of memory bandwidth. Basically,
- two-way or four-way interleaving organizes RAM so that a block access
- is accomplished using multiple banks of RAM rather than just one.
- This provides higher memory access bandwidth, particularly for cache
- line loads and stores.
- The waters are a bit muddied about this, however, because EDO DRAM and
- various other memory technologies tend to improve similar kinds of
- operations. An excellent overview of DRAM technologies is given in
- <http://www.pcguide.com/ref/ram/tech.htm>.
- So, for example, is it better to have 2-way interleaved EDO DRAM or
- non-interleaved SDRAM? That is a very good question with no simple
- answer, because both interleaving and exotic DRAM technologies tend to
- be expensive. The same dollar investment in more ordinary memory
- configurations generally will give you a significantly larger main
- memory. Even the slowest DRAM is still a heck of a lot faster than
- using disk-based virtual memory....
- 2.2. Introduction To Shared Memory Programming
- Ok, so you have decided that parallel processing on an SMP is a great
- thing to do... how do you get started? Well, the first step is to
- learn a little bit about how shared memory communication really works.
- It sounds like you simply have one processor store a value into memory
- and another processor load it; unfortunately, it isn't quite that
- simple. For example, the relationship between processes and
- processors is very blurry; however, if we have no more active
- processes than there are processors, the terms are roughly
- interchangeable. The remainder of this section briefly summarizes the
- key issues that could cause serious problems, if you were not aware of
- them: the two different models used to determine what is shared,
- atomicity issues, the concept of volatility, hardware lock
- instructions, cache line effects, and Linux scheduler issues.
- 2.2.1. Shared Everything Vs. Shared Something
- There are two fundamentally different models commonly used for shared
- memory programming: shared everything and shared something. Both of
- these models allow processors to communicate by loads and stores
- from/into shared memory; the distinction comes in the fact that shared
- everything places all data structures in shared memory, while shared
- something requires the user to explicitly indicate which data
- structures are potentially shared and which are private to a single
- processor.
- Which shared memory model should you use? That is mostly a question
- of religion. A lot of people like the shared everything model because
- they do not really need to identify which data structures should be
- shared at the time they are declared... you simply put locks around
- potentially-conflicting accesses to shared objects to ensure that only
- one process(or) has access at any moment. Then again, that really
- isn't all that simple... so many people prefer the relative safety of
- shared something.
- Shared Everything
- The nice thing about sharing everything is that you can easily take an
- existing sequential program and incrementally convert it into a shared
- everything parallel program. You do not have to first determine which
- data need to be accessible by other processors.
- Put simply, the primary problem with sharing everything is that any
- action taken by one processor could affect the other processors. This
- problem surfaces in two ways:
- ╖ Many libraries use data structures that simply are not sharable.
- For example, the UNIX convention is that most functions can return
- an error code in a variable called errno; if two shared everything
- processes perform various calls, they would interfere with each
- other because they share the same errno. Although there is now a
- library version that fixes the errno problem, similar problems
- still exist in most libraries. For example, unless special
- precautions are taken, the X library will not work if calls are
- made from multiple shared everything processes.
- ╖ Normally, the worst-case behavior for a program with a bad pointer
- or array subscript is that the process that contains the offending
- code dies. It might even generate a core file that clues you in to
- what happened. In shared everything parallel processing, it is
- very likely that the stray accesses will bring the demise of a
- process other than the one at fault, making it nearly impossible to
- localize and correct the error.
- Neither of these types of problems is common when shared something is
- used, because only the explicitly-marked data structures are shared.
- It also is fairly obvious that shared everything only works if all
- processors are executing the exact same memory image; you cannot use
- shared everything across multiple different code images (i.e., can use
- only SPMD, not general MIMD).
- The most common type of shared everything programming support is a
- threads library. Threads
- <http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Os/threads.html> are
- essentially "light-weight" processes that might not be scheduled in
- the same way as regular UNIX processes and, most importantly, share
- access to a single memory map. The POSIX Pthreads
- <http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/proven/pthreads.html> package has been
- the focus of a number of porting efforts; the big question is whether
- any of these ports actually run the threads of a program in parallel
- under SMP Linux (ideally, with a processor for each thread). The
- POSIX API doesn't require it, and versions like
- <http://www.aa.net/~mtp/PCthreads.html> apparently do not implement
- parallel thread execution - all the threads of a program are kept
- within a single Linux process.
- The first threads library that supported SMP Linux parallelism was the
- now somewhat obsolete bb_threads library,
- <ftp://caliban.physics.utoronto.ca/pub/linux/>, a very small library
- that used the Linux clone() call to fork new, independently scheduled,
- Linux processes all sharing a single address space. SMP Linux
- machines can run multiple of these "threads" in parallel because each
- "thread" is a full Linux process; the trade-off is that you do not get
- the same "light-weight" scheduling control provided by some thread
- libraries under other operating systems. The library used a bit of C-
- wrapped assembly code to install a new chunk of memory as each
- thread's stack and to provide atomic access functions for an array of
- locks (mutex objects). Documentation consisted of a README and a
- short sample program.
- More recently, a version of POSIX threads using clone() has been
- developed. This library, LinuxThreads
- <http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/linuxthreads/>, is clearly the
- preferred shared everything library for use under SMP Linux. POSIX
- threads are well documented, and the LinuxThreads README
- <http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/linuxthreads/README> and
- LinuxThreads FAQ
- <http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/linuxthreads/faq.html> are very well
- done. The primary problem now is simply that POSIX threads have a lot
- of details to get right and LinuxThreads is still a work in progress.
- There is also the problem that the POSIX thread standard has evolved
- through the standardization process, so you need to be a bit careful
- not to program for obsolete early versions of the standard.
- Shared Something
- Shared something is really "only share what needs to be shared." This
- approach can work for general MIMD (not just SPMD) provided that care
- is taken for the shared objects to be allocated at the same places in
- each processor's memory map. More importantly, shared something makes
- it easier to predict and tune performance, debug code, etc. The only
- problems are:
- ╖ It can be hard to know beforehand what really needs to be shared.
- ╖ The actual allocation of objects in shared memory may be awkward,
- especially for what would have been stack-allocated objects. For
- example, it may be necessary to explicitly allocate shared objects
- in a separate memory segment, requiring separate memory allocation
- routines and introducing extra pointer indirections in each
- reference.
- Currently, there are two very similar mechanisms that allow groups of
- Linux processes to have independent memory spaces, all sharing only a
- relatively small memory segment. Assuming that you didn't foolishly
- exclude "System V IPC" when you configured your Linux system, Linux
- supports a very portable mechanism that has generally become known as
- "System V Shared Memory." The other alternative is a memory mapping
- facility whose implementation varies widely across different UNIX
- systems: the mmap() system call. You can, and should, learn about
- these calls from the manual pages... but a brief overview of each is
- given in sections 2.5 and 2.6 to help get you started.
- 2.2.2. Atomicity And Ordering
- No matter which of the above two models you use, the result is pretty
- much the same: you get a pointer to a chunk of read/write memory that
- is accessible by all processes within your parallel program. Does
- that mean I can just have my parallel program access shared memory
- objects as though they were in ordinary local memory? Well, not
- quite....
- Atomicity refers to the concept that an operation on an object is
- accomplished as an indivisible, uninterruptible, sequence.
- Unfortunately, sharing memory access does not imply that all
- operations on data in shared memory occur atomically. Unless special
- precautions are taken, only simple load or store operations that occur
- within a single bus transaction (i.e., aligned 8, 16, or 32-bit
- operations, but not misaligned nor 64-bit operations) are atomic.
- Worse still, "smart" compilers like GCC will often perform
- optimizations that could eliminate the memory operations needed to
- ensure that other processors can see what this processor has done.
- Fortunately, both these problems can be remedied... leaving only the
- relationship between access efficiency and cache line size for us to
- worry about.
- However, before discussing these issues, it is useful to point-out
- that all of this assumes that memory references for each processor
- happen in the order in which they were coded. The Pentium does this,
- but also notes that future Intel processors might not. So, for future
- processors, keep in mind that it may be necessary to surround some
- shared memory accesses with instructions that cause all pending memory
- accesses to complete, thus providing memory access ordering. The
- CPUID instruction apparently is reserved to have this side-effect.
- 2.2.3. Volatility
- To prevent GCC's optimizer from buffering values of shared memory
- objects in registers, all objects in shared memory should be declared
- as having types with the volatile attribute. If this is done, all
- shared object reads and writes that require just one word access will
- occur atomically. For example, suppose that p is a pointer to an
- integer, where both the pointer and the integer it will point at are
- in shared memory; the ANSI C declaration might be:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- volatile int * volatile p;
- ______________________________________________________________________
- In this code, the first volatile refers to the int that p will
- eventually point at; the second volatile refers to the pointer itself.
- Yes, it is annoying, but it is the price one pays for enabling GCC to
- perform some very powerful optimizations. At least in theory, the
- -traditional option to GCC might suffice to produce correct code at
- the expense of some optimization, because pre-ANSI K&R C essentially
- claimed that all variables were volatile unless explicitly declared as
- register. Still, if your typical GCC compile looks like cc -O6 ...,
- you really will want to explicitly mark things as volatile only where
- necessary.
- There has been a rumor to the effect that using assembly-language
- locks that are marked as modifying all processor registers will cause
- GCC to appropriately flush all variables, thus avoiding the
- "inefficient" compiled code associated with things declared as
- volatile. This hack appears to work for statically allocated global
- variables using version 2.7.0 of GCC... however, that behavior is not
- required by the ANSI C standard. Still worse, other processes that
- are making only read accesses can buffer the values in registers
- forever, thus never noticing that the shared memory value has actually
- changed. In summary, do what you want, but only variables accessed
- through volatile are guaranteed to work correctly.
- Note that you can cause a volatile access to an ordinary variable by
- using a type cast that imposes the volatile attribute. For example,
- the ordinary int i; can be referenced as a volatile by *((volatile int
- *) &i); thus, you can explicitly invoke the "overhead" of volatility
- only where it is critical.
- 2.2.4. Locks
- If you thought that ++i; would always work to add one to a variable i
- in shared memory, you've got a nasty little surprise coming: even if
- coded as a single instruction, the load and store of the result are
- separate memory transactions, and other processors could access i
- between these two transactions. For example, having two processes
- both perform ++i; might only increment i by one, rather than by two.
- According to the Intel Pentium "Architecture and Programming Manual,"
- the LOCK prefix can be used to ensure that any of the following
- instructions is atomic relative to the data memory location it
- accesses:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- BTS, BTR, BTC mem, reg/imm
- XCHG reg, mem
- XCHG mem, reg
- ADD, OR, ADC, SBB, AND, SUB, XOR mem, reg/imm
- NOT, NEG, INC, DEC mem
- ______________________________________________________________________
- However, it probably is not a good idea to use all these operations.
- For example, XADD did not even exist for the 386, so coding it may
- cause portability problems.
- The XCHG instruction always asserts a lock, even without the LOCK
- prefix, and thus is clearly the preferred atomic operation from which
- to build higher-level atomic constructs such as semaphores and shared
- queues. Of course, you can't get GCC to generate this instruction
- just by writing C code... instead, you must use a bit of in-line
- assembly code. Given a word-size volatile object obj and a word-size
- register value reg, the GCC in-line assembly code is:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("xchgl %1,%0"
- :"=r" (reg), "=m" (obj)
- :"r" (reg), "m" (obj));
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Examples of GCC in-line assembly code using bit operations for locking
- are given in the source code for the bb_threads library
- <ftp://caliban.physics.utoronto.ca/pub/linux/>.
- It is important to remember, however, that there is a cost associated
- with making memory transactions atomic. A locking operation carries a
- fair amount of overhead and may delay memory activity from other
- processors, whereas ordinary references may use local cache. The best
- performance results when locking operations are used as infrequently
- as possible. Further, these IA32 atomic instructions obviously are
- not portable to other systems.
- There are many alternative approaches that allow ordinary instructions
- to be used to implement various synchronizations, including mutual
- exclusion - ensuring that at most one processor is updating a given
- shared object at any moment. Most OS textbooks discuss at least one
- of these techniques. There is a fairly good discussion in the Fourth
- Edition of Operating System Concepts, by Abraham Silberschatz and
- Peter B. Galvin, ISBN 0-201-50480-4.
- 2.2.5. Cache Line Size
- One more fundamental atomicity concern can have a dramatic impact on
- SMP performance: cache line size. Although the MPS standard requires
- references to be coherent no matter what caching is used, the fact is
- that when one processor writes to a particular line of memory, every
- cached copy of the old line must be invalidated or updated. This
- implies that if two or more processors are both writing data to
- different portions of the same line a lot of cache and bus traffic may
- result, effectively to pass the line from cache to cache. This
- problem is known as false sharing. The solution is simply to try to
- organize data so that what is accessed in parallel tends to come from
- a different cache line for each process.
- You might be thinking that false sharing is not a problem using a
- system with a shared L2 cache, but remember that there are still
- separate L1 caches. Cache organization and number of separate levels
- can both vary, but the Pentium L1 cache line size is 32 bytes and
- typical external cache line sizes are around 256 bytes. Suppose that
- the addresses (physical or virtual) of two items are a and b and that
- the largest per-processor cache line size is c, which we assume to be
- a power of two. To be very precise, if ((int) a) & ~(c - 1) is equal
- to ((int) b) & ~(c - 1), then both references are in the same cache
- line. A simpler rule is that if shared objects being referenced in
- parallel are at least c bytes apart, they should map to different
- cache lines.
- 2.2.6. Linux Scheduler Issues
- Although the whole point of using shared memory for parallel
- processing is to avoid OS overhead, OS overhead can come from things
- other than communication per se. We have already said that the number
- of processes that should be constructed is less than or equal to the
- number of processors in the machine. But how do you decide exactly
- how many processes to make?
- For best performance, the number of processes in your parallel program
- should be equal to the expected number of your program's processes
- that simultaneously can be running on different processors. For
- example, if a four-processor SMP typically has one process actively
- running for some other purpose (e.g., a WWW server), then your
- parallel program should use only three processes. You can get a rough
- idea of how many other processes are active on your system by looking
- at the "load average" quoted by the uptime command.
- Alternatively, you could boost the priority of the processes in your
- parallel program using, for example, the renice command or nice()
- system call. You must be privileged to increase priority. The idea
- is simply to force the other processes out of processors so that your
- program can run simultaneously across all processors. This can be
- accomplished somewhat more explicitly using the prototype version of
- SMP Linux at <http://luz.cs.nmt.edu/~rtlinux/>, which offers real-
- time schedulers.
- If you are not the only user treating your SMP system as a parallel
- machine, you may also have conflicts between the two or more parallel
- programs trying to execute simultaneously. This standard solution is
- gang scheduling - i.e., manipulating scheduling priority so that at
- any given moment, only the processes of a single parallel program are
- running. It is useful to recall, however, that using more parallelism
- tends to have diminishing returns and scheduler activity adds
- overhead. Thus, for example, it is probably better for a four-
- processor machine to run two programs with two processes each rather
- than gang scheduling between two programs with four processes each.
- There is one more twist to this. Suppose that you are developing a
- program on a machine that is heavily used all day, but will be fully
- available for parallel execution at night. You need to write and test
- your code for correctness with the full number of processes, even
- though you know that your daytime test runs will be slow. Well, they
- will be very slow if you have processes busy waiting for shared memory
- values to be changed by other processes that are not currently running
- (on other processors). The same problem occurs if you develop and
- test your code on a single-processor system.
- The solution is to embed calls in your code, wherever it may loop
- awaiting an action from another processor, so that Linux will give
- another process a chance to run. I use a C macro, call it IDLE_ME, to
- do this: for a test run, compile with cc -DIDLE_ME=usleep(1); ...;
- for a "production" run, compile with cc -DIDLE_ME={} .... The
- usleep(1) call requests a 1 microsecond sleep, which has the effect of
- allowing the Linux scheduler to select a different process to run on
- that processor. If the number of processes is more than twice the
- number of processors available, it is not unusual for codes to run ten
- times faster with usleep(1) calls than without them.
- 2.3. bb_threads
- The bb_threads ("Bare Bones" threads) library,
- <ftp://caliban.physics.utoronto.ca/pub/linux/>, is a remarkably simple
- library that demonstrates use of the Linux clone() call. The gzip tar
- file is only 7K bytes! Although this library is essentially made
- obsolete by the LinuxThreads library discussed in section 2.4,
- bb_threads is still usable, and it is small and simple enough to serve
- well as an introduction to use of Linux thread support. Certainly, it
- is far less daunting to read this source code than to browse the
- source code for LinuxThreads. In summary, the bb_threads library is a
- good starting point, but is not really suitable for coding large
- projects.
- The basic program structure for using the bb_threads library is:
- 1. Start the program running as a single process.
- 2. You will need to estimate the maximum stack space that will be
- required for each thread. Guessing large is relatively harmless
- (that is what virtual memory is for ;-), but remember that all the
- stacks are coming from a single virtual address space, so guessing
- huge is not a great idea. The demo suggests 64K. This size is set
- to b bytes by bb_threads_stacksize(b).
- 3. The next step is to initialize any locks that you will need. The
- lock mechanism built-into this library numbers locks from 0 to
- MAX_MUTEXES, and initializes lock i by bb_threads_mutexcreate(i).
- 4. Spawning a new thread is done by calling a library routine that
- takes arguments specifying what function the new thread should
- execute and what arguments should be transmitted to it. To start a
- new thread executing the void-returning function f with the single
- argument arg, you do something like bb_threads_newthread(f, &arg),
- where f should be declared something like void f(void *arg, size_t
- dummy). If you need to pass more than one argument, pass a pointer
- to a structure initialized to hold the argument values.
- 5. Run parallel code, being careful to use bb_threads_lock(n) and
- bb_threads_unlock(n) where n is an integer identifying which lock
- to use. Note that the lock and unlock operations in this library
- are very basic spin locks using atomic bus-locking instructions,
- which can cause excessive memory-reference interference and do not
- make any attempt to ensure fairness.
- The demo program packaged with bb_threads did not correctly use
- locks to prevent printf() from being executed simultaneously from
- within the functions fnn and main... and because of this, the demo
- does not always work. I'm not saying this to knock the demo, but
- rather to emphasize that this stuff is very tricky; also, it is
- only slightly easier using LinuxThreads.
- 6. When a thread executes a return, it actually destroys the
- process... but the local stack memory is not automatically
- deallocated. To be precise, Linux doesn't support deallocation,
- but the memory space is not automatically added back to the
- malloc() free list. Thus, the parent process should reclaim the
- space for each dead child by bb_threads_cleanup(wait(NULL)).
- The following C program uses the algorithm discussed in section 1.3 to
- compute the approximate value of Pi using two bb_threads threads.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/wait.h>
- #include "bb_threads.h"
- volatile double pi = 0.0;
- volatile int intervals;
- volatile int pids[2]; /* Unix PIDs of threads */
- void
- do_pi(void *data, size_t len)
- {
- register double width, localsum;
- register int i;
- register int iproc = (getpid() != pids[0]);
- /* set width */
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- /* do the local computations */
- localsum = 0;
- for (i=iproc; i<intervals; i+=2) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- localsum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- localsum *= width;
- /* get permission, update pi, and unlock */
- bb_threads_lock(0);
- pi += localsum;
- bb_threads_unlock(0);
- }
- int
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- /* get the number of intervals */
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- /* set stack size and create lock... */
- bb_threads_stacksize(65536);
- bb_threads_mutexcreate(0);
- /* make two threads... */
- pids[0] = bb_threads_newthread(do_pi, NULL);
- pids[1] = bb_threads_newthread(do_pi, NULL);
- /* cleanup after two threads (really a barrier sync) */
- bb_threads_cleanup(wait(NULL));
- bb_threads_cleanup(wait(NULL));
- /* print the result */
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", pi);
- /* check-out */
- exit(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 2.4. LinuxThreads
- LinuxThreads <http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/linuxthreads/> is a
- fairly complete and solid implementation of "shared everything" as per
- the POSIX 1003.1c threads standard. Unlike other POSIX threads ports,
- LinuxThreads uses the same Linux kernel threads facility (clone())
- that is used by bb_threads. POSIX compatibility means that it is
- relatively easy to port quite a few threaded applications from other
- systems and various tutorial materials are available. In short, this
- is definitely the threads package to use under Linux for developing
- large-scale threaded programs.
- The basic program structure for using the LinuxThreads library is:
- 1. Start the program running as a single process.
- 2. The next step is to initialize any locks that you will need.
- Unlike bb_threads locks, which are identified by numbers, POSIX
- locks are declared as variables of type pthread_mutex_t lock. Use
- pthread_mutex_init(&lock,val) to initialize each one you will need
- to use.
- 3. As with bb_threads, spawning a new thread is done by calling a
- library routine that takes arguments specifying what function the
- new thread should execute and what arguments should be transmitted
- to it. However, POSIX requires the user to declare a variable of
- type pthread_t to identify each thread. To create a thread
- pthread_t thread running f(), one calls
- pthread_create(&thread,NULL,f,&arg).
- 4. Run parallel code, being careful to use pthread_mutex_lock(&lock)
- and pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock) as appropriate.
- 5. Use pthread_join(thread,&retval) to clean-up after each thread.
- 6. Use -D_REENTRANT when compiling your C code.
- An example parallel computation of Pi using LinuxThreads follows. The
- algorithm of section 1.3 is used and, as for the bb_threads example,
- two threads execute in parallel.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "pthread.h"
- volatile double pi = 0.0; /* Approximation to pi (shared) */
- pthread_mutex_t pi_lock; /* Lock for above */
- volatile double intervals; /* How many intervals? */
- void *
- process(void *arg)
- {
- register double width, localsum;
- register int i;
- register int iproc = (*((char *) arg) - '0');
- /* Set width */
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- /* Do the local computations */
- localsum = 0;
- for (i=iproc; i<intervals; i+=2) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- localsum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- localsum *= width;
- /* Lock pi for update, update it, and unlock */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pi_lock);
- pi += localsum;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pi_lock);
- return(NULL);
- }
- int
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- pthread_t thread0, thread1;
- void * retval;
- /* Get the number of intervals */
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- /* Initialize the lock on pi */
- pthread_mutex_init(&pi_lock, NULL);
- /* Make the two threads */
- if (pthread_create(&thread0, NULL, process, "0") ||
- pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, process, "1")) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot make thread\n", argv[0]);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Join (collapse) the two threads */
- if (pthread_join(thread0, &retval) ||
- pthread_join(thread1, &retval)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: thread join failed\n", argv[0]);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Print the result */
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", pi);
- /* Check-out */
- exit(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 2.5. System V Shared Memory
- The System V IPC (Inter-Process Communication) support consists of a
- number of system calls providing message queues, semaphores, and a
- shared memory mechanism. Of course, these mechanisms were originally
- intended to be used for multiple processes to communicate within a
- uniprocessor system. However, that implies that it also should work
- to communicate between processes under SMP Linux, no matter which
- processors they run on.
- Before going into how these calls are used, it is important to
- understand that although System V IPC calls exist for things like
- semaphores and message transmission, you probably should not use them.
- Why not? These functions are generally slow and serialized under SMP
- Linux. Enough said.
- The basic procedure for creating a group of processes sharing access
- to a shared memory segment is:
- 1. Start the program running as a single process.
- 2. Typically, you will want each run of a parallel program to have its
- own shared memory segment, so you will need to call shmget() to
- create a new segment of the desired size. Alternatively, this call
- can be used to get the ID of a pre-existing shared memory segment.
- In either case, the return value is either the shared memory
- segment ID or -1 for error. For example, to create a shared memory
- segment of b bytes, the call might be shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,
- b, (IPC_CREAT | 0666)).
- 3. The next step is to attach this shared memory segment to this
- process, literally adding it to the virtual memory map of this
- process. Although the shmat() call allows the programmer to
- specify the virtual address at which the segment should appear, the
- address selected must be aligned on a page boundary (i.e., be a
- multiple of the page size returned by getpagesize(), which is
- usually 4096 bytes), and will override the mapping of any memory
- formerly at that address. Thus, we instead prefer to let the
- system pick the address. In either case, the return value is a
- pointer to the base virtual address of the segment just mapped.
- The code is shmptr = shmat(shmid, 0, 0).
- Notice that you can allocate all your static shared variables into
- this shared memory segment by simply declaring all shared variables
- as members of a struct type, and declaring shmptr to be a pointer
- to that type. Using this technique, shared variable x would be
- accessed as shmptr->x.
- 4. Since this shared memory segment should be destroyed when the last
- process with access to it terminates or detaches from it, we need
- to call shmctl() to set-up this default action. The code is
- something like shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0).
- 5. Use the standard Linux fork() call to make the desired number of
- processes... each will inherit the shared memory segment.
- 6. When a process is done using a shared memory segment, it really
- should detach from that shared memory segment. This is done by
- shmdt(shmptr).
- Although the above set-up does require a few system calls, once the
- shared memory segment has been established, any change made by one
- processor to a value in that memory will automatically be visible to
- all processes. Most importantly, each communication operation will
- occur without the overhead of a system call.
- An example C program using System V shared memory segments follows.
- It computes Pi, using the same algorithm given in section 1.3.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/ipc.h>
- #include <sys/shm.h>
- volatile struct shared { double pi; int lock; } *shared;
- inline extern int xchg(register int reg,
- volatile int * volatile obj)
- {
- /* Atomic exchange instruction */
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("xchgl %1,%0"
- :"=r" (reg), "=m" (*obj)
- :"r" (reg), "m" (*obj));
- return(reg);
- }
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- register double width, localsum;
- register int intervals, i;
- register int shmid;
- register int iproc = 0;;
- /* Allocate System V shared memory */
- shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,
- sizeof(struct shared),
- (IPC_CREAT | 0600));
- shared = ((volatile struct shared *) shmat(shmid, 0, 0));
- shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
- /* Initialize... */
- shared->pi = 0.0;
- shared->lock = 0;
- /* Fork a child */
- if (!fork()) ++iproc;
- /* get the number of intervals */
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- /* do the local computations */
- localsum = 0;
- for (i=iproc; i<intervals; i+=2) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- localsum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- localsum *= width;
- /* Atomic spin lock, add, unlock... */
- while (xchg((iproc + 1), &(shared->lock))) ;
- shared->pi += localsum;
- shared->lock = 0;
- /* Terminate child (barrier sync) */
- if (iproc == 0) {
- wait(NULL);
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", shared->pi);
- }
- /* Check out */
- return(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- In this example, I have used the IA32 atomic exchange instruction to
- implement locking. For better performance and portability, substitute
- a synchronization technique that avoids atomic bus-locking
- instructions (discussed in section 2.2).
- When debugging your code, it is useful to remember that the ipcs
- command will report the status of the System V IPC facilities
- currently in use.
- 2.6. Memory Map Call
- Using system calls for file I/O can be very expensive; in fact, that
- is why there is a user-buffered file I/O library (getchar(), fwrite(),
- etc.). But user buffers don't work if multiple processes are
- accessing the same writeable file, and the user buffer management
- overhead is significant. The BSD UNIX fix for this was the addition
- of a system call that allows a portion of a file to be mapped into
- user memory, essentially using virtual memory paging mechanisms to
- cause updates. This same mechanism also has been used in systems from
- Sequent for many years as the basis for their shared memory parallel
- processing support. Despite some very negative comments in the (quite
- old) man page, Linux seems to correctly perform at least some of the
- basic functions, and it supports the degenerate use of this system
- call to map an anonymous segment of memory that can be shared across
- multiple processes.
- In essence, the Linux implementation of mmap() is a plug-in
- replacement for steps 2, 3, and 4 in the System V shared memory scheme
- outlined in section 2.5. To create an anonymous shared memory
- segment:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- shmptr =
- mmap(0, /* system assigns address */
- b, /* size of shared memory segment */
- (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), /* access rights, can be rwx */
- (MAP_ANON | MAP_SHARED), /* anonymous, shared */
- 0, /* file descriptor (not used) */
- 0); /* file offset (not used) */
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The equivalent to the System V shared memory shmdt() call is munmap():
- ______________________________________________________________________
- munmap(shmptr, b);
- ______________________________________________________________________
- In my opinion, there is no real benefit in using mmap() instead of the
- System V shared memory support.
- 3. Clusters Of Linux Systems
- This section attempts to give an overview of cluster parallel
- processing using Linux. Clusters are currently both the most popular
- and the most varied approach, ranging from a conventional network of
- workstations (NOW) to essentially custom parallel machines that just
- happen to use Linux PCs as processor nodes. There is also quite a lot
- of software support for parallel processing using clusters of Linux
- machines.
- 3.1. Why A Cluster?
- Cluster parallel processing offers several important advantages:
- ╖ Each of the machines in a cluster can be a complete system, usable
- for a wide range of other computing applications. This leads many
- people to suggest that cluster parallel computing can simply claim
- all the "wasted cycles" of workstations sitting idle on people's
- desks. It is not really so easy to salvage those cycles, and it
- will probably slow your co-worker's screen saver, but it can be
- done.
- ╖ The current explosion in networked systems means that most of the
- hardware for building a cluster is being sold in high volume, with
- correspondingly low "commodity" prices as the result. Further
- savings come from the fact that only one video card, monitor, and
- keyboard are needed for each cluster (although you may need to swap
- these into each machine to perform the initial installation of
- Linux, once running, a typical Linux PC does not need a "console").
- In comparison, SMP and attached processors are much smaller
- markets, tending toward somewhat higher price per unit performance.
- ╖ Cluster computing can scale to very large systems. While it is
- currently hard to find a Linux-compatible SMP with many more than
- four processors, most commonly available network hardware easily
- builds a cluster with up to 16 machines. With a little work,
- hundreds or even thousands of machines can be networked. In fact,
- the entire Internet can be viewed as one truly huge cluster.
- ╖ The fact that replacing a "bad machine" within a cluster is trivial
- compared to fixing a partly faulty SMP yields much higher
- availability for carefully designed cluster configurations. This
- becomes important not only for particular applications that cannot
- tolerate significant service interruptions, but also for general
- use of systems containing enough processors so that single-machine
- failures are fairly common. (For example, even though the average
- time to failure of a PC might be two years, in a cluster with 32
- machines, the probability that at least one will fail within 6
- months is quite high.)
- OK, so clusters are free or cheap and can be very large and highly
- available... why doesn't everyone use a cluster? Well, there are
- problems too:
- ╖ With a few exceptions, network hardware is not designed for
- parallel processing. Typically latency is very high and bandwidth
- relatively low compared to SMP and attached processors. For
- example, SMP latency is generally no more than a few microseconds,
- but is commonly hundreds or thousands of microseconds for a
- cluster. SMP communication bandwidth is often more than 100
- MBytes/second; although the fastest network hardware (e.g.,
- "Gigabit Ethernet") offers comparable speed, the most commonly used
- networks are between 10 and 1000 times slower.
- The performance of network hardware is poor enough as an isolated
- cluster network. If the network is not isolated from other
- traffic, as is often the case using "machines that happen to be
- networked" rather than a system designed as a cluster, performance
- can be substantially worse.
- ╖ There is very little software support for treating a cluster as a
- single system. For example, the ps command only reports the
- processes running on one Linux system, not all processes running
- across a cluster of Linux systems.
- Thus, the basic story is that clusters offer great potential, but that
- potential may be very difficult to achieve for most applications. The
- good news is that there is quite a lot of software support that will
- help you achieve good performance for programs that are well suited to
- this environment, and there are also networks designed specifically to
- widen the range of programs that can achieve good performance.
- 3.2. Network Hardware
- Computer networking is an exploding field... but you already knew
- that. An ever-increasing range of networking technologies and
- products are being developed, and most are available in forms that
- could be applied to make a parallel-processing cluster out of a group
- of machines (i.e., PCs each running Linux).
- Unfortunately, no one network technology solves all problems best; in
- fact, the range of approach, cost, and performance is at first hard to
- believe. For example, using standard commercially-available hardware,
- the cost per machine networked ranges from less than $5 to over
- $4,000. The delivered bandwidth and latency each also vary over four
- orders of magnitude.
- Before trying to learn about specific networks, it is important to
- recognize that these things change like the wind (see
- <http://www.uk.linux.org/NetNews.html> for Linux networking news), and
- it is very difficult to get accurate data about some networks.
- Where I was particularly uncertain, I've placed a ?. I have spent a
- lot of time researching this topic, but I'm sure my summary is full of
- errors and has omitted many important things. If you have any
- corrections or additions, please send email to pplinux@ecn.purdue.edu.
- Summaries like the LAN Technology Scorecard at
- <http://web.syr.edu/~jmwobus/comfaqs/lan-technology.html> give some
- characteristics of many different types of networks and LAN standards.
- However, the summary in this HOWTO centers on the network properties
- that are most relevant to construction of Linux clusters. The section
- discussing each network begins with a short list of characteristics.
- The following defines what these entries mean.
- Linux support:
- If the answer is no, the meaning is pretty clear. Other answers
- try to describe the basic program interface that is used to
- access the network. Most network hardware is interfaced via a
- kernel driver, typically supporting TCP/UDP communication. Some
- other networks use more direct (e.g., library) interfaces to
- reduce latency by bypassing the kernel.
- Years ago, it used to be considered perfectly acceptable to
- access a floating point unit via an OS call, but that is now
- clearly ludicrous; in my opinion, it is just as awkward for each
- communication between processors executing a parallel program to
- require an OS call. The problem is that computers haven't yet
- integrated these communication mechanisms, so non-kernel
- approaches tend to have portability problems. You are going to
- hear a lot more about this in the near future, mostly in the
- form of the new Virtual Interface (VI) Architecture,
- <http://www.viarch.org/>, which is a standardized method for
- most network interface operations to bypass the usual OS call
- layers. The VI standard is backed by Compaq, Intel, and
- Microsoft, and is sure to have a strong impact on SAN (System
- Area Network) designs over the next few years.
- Maximum bandwidth:
- This is the number everybody cares about. I have generally used
- the theoretical best case numbers; your mileage will vary.
- Minimum latency:
- In my opinion, this is the number everybody should care about
- even more than bandwidth. Again, I have used the unrealistic
- best-case numbers, but at least these numbers do include all
- sources of latency, both hardware and software. In most cases,
- the network latency is just a few microseconds; the much larger
- numbers reflect layers of inefficient hardware and software
- interfaces.
- Available as:
- Simply put, this describes how you get this type of network
- hardware. Commodity stuff is widely available from many
- vendors, with price as the primary distinguishing factor.
- Multiple-vendor things are available from more than one
- competing vendor, but there are significant differences and
- potential interoperability problems. Single-vendor networks
- leave you at the mercy of that supplier (however benevolent it
- may be). Public domain designs mean that even if you cannot
- find somebody to sell you one, you or anybody else can buy parts
- and make one. Research prototypes are just that; they are
- generally neither ready for external users nor available to
- them.
- Interface port/bus used:
- How does one hook-up this network? The highest performance and
- most common now is a PCI bus interface card. There are also
- EISA, VESA local bus (VL bus), and ISA bus cards. ISA was there
- first, and is still commonly used for low-performance cards.
- EISA is still around as the second bus in a lot of PCI machines,
- so there are a few cards. These days, you don't see much VL
- stuff (although <http://www.vesa.org/> would beg to differ).
- Of course, any interface that you can use without having to open
- your PC's case has more than a little appeal. IrDA and USB
- interfaces are appearing with increasing frequency. The
- Standard Parallel Port (SPP) used to be what your printer was
- plugged into, but it has seen a lot of use lately as an external
- extension of the ISA bus; this new functionality is enhanced by
- the IEEE 1284 standard, which specifies EPP and ECP
- improvements. There is also the old, reliable, slow RS232
- serial port. I don't know of anybody connecting machines using
- VGA video connectors, keyboard, mouse, or game ports... so
- that's about it.
- Network structure:
- A bus is a wire, set of wires, or fiber. A hub is a little box
- that knows how to connect different wires/fibers plugged into
- it; switched hubs allow multiple connections to be actively
- transmitting data simultaneously.
- Cost per machine connected:
- Here's how to use these numbers. Suppose that, not counting the
- network connection, it costs $2,000 to purchase a PC for use as
- a node in your cluster. Adding a Fast Ethernet brings the per
- node cost to about $2,400; adding a Myrinet instead brings the
- cost to about $3,800. If you have about $20,000 to spend, that
- means you could have either 8 machines connected by Fast
- Ethernet or 5 machines connected by Myrinet. It also can be
- very reasonable to have multiple networks; e.g., $20,000 could
- buy 8 machines connected by both Fast Ethernet and TTL_PAPERS.
- Pick the network, or set of networks, that is most likely to
- yield a cluster that will run your application fastest.
- By the time you read this, these numbers will be wrong... heck,
- they're probably wrong already. There may also be quantity
- discounts, special deals, etc. Still, the prices quoted here
- aren't likely to be wrong enough to lead you to a totally
- inappropriate choice. It doesn't take a PhD (although I do have
- one ;-) to see that expensive networks only make sense if your
- application needs their special properties or if the PCs being
- clustered are relatively expensive.
- Now that you have the disclaimers, on with the show....
- 3.2.1. ArcNet
- ╖ Linux support: kernel drivers
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 2.5 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 1,000 microseconds?
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: ISA
- ╖ Network structure: unswitched hub or bus (logical ring)
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $200
- ARCNET is a local area network that is primarily intended for use in
- embedded real-time control systems. Like Ethernet, the network is
- physically organized either as taps on a bus or one or more hubs,
- however, unlike Ethernet, it uses a token-based protocol logically
- structuring the network as a ring. Packet headers are small (3 or 4
- bytes) and messages can carry as little as a single byte of data.
- Thus, ARCNET yields more consistent performance than Ethernet, with
- bounded delays, etc. Unfortunately, it is slower than Ethernet and
- less popular, making it more expensive. More information is available
- from the ARCNET Trade Association at <http://www.arcnet.com/>.
- 3.2.2. ATM
- ╖ Linux support: kernel driver, AAL* library
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 155 Mb/s (soon, 1,200 Mb/s)
- ╖ Minimum latency: 120 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI
- ╖ Network structure: switched hubs
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $3,000
- Unless you've been in a coma for the past few years, you have probably
- heard a lot about how ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) is the
- future... well, sort-of. ATM is cheaper than HiPPI and faster than
- Fast Ethernet, and it can be used over the very long distances that
- the phone companies care about. The ATM network protocol is also
- designed to provide a lower-overhead software interface and to more
- efficiently manage small messages and real-time communications (e.g.,
- digital audio and video). It is also one of the highest-bandwidth
- networks that Linux currently supports. The bad news is that ATM
- isn't cheap, and there are still some compatibility problems across
- vendors. An overview of Linux ATM development is available at
- <http://lrcwww.epfl.ch/linux-atm/>.
- 3.2.3. CAPERS
- ╖ Linux support: AFAPI library
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 1.2 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 3 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: commodity hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: SPP
- ╖ Network structure: cable between 2 machines
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $2
- CAPERS (Cable Adapter for Parallel Execution and Rapid
- Synchronization) is a spin-off of the PAPERS project,
- <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/>, at the Purdue University
- School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In essence, it defines
- a software protocol for using an ordinary "LapLink" SPP-to-SPP cable
- to implement the PAPERS library for two Linux PCs. The idea doesn't
- scale, but you can't beat the price. As with TTL_PAPERS, to improve
- system security, there is a minor kernel patch recommended, but not
- required: <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/giveioperm.html>.
- 3.2.4. Ethernet
- ╖ Linux support: kernel drivers
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 10 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 100 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: commodity hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI
- ╖ Network structure: switched or unswitched hubs, or hubless bus
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $100 (hubless, $50)
- For some years now, 10 Mbits/s Ethernet has been the standard network
- technology. Good Ethernet interface cards can be purchased for well
- under $50, and a fair number of PCs now have an Ethernet controller
- built-into the motherboard. For lightly-used networks, Ethernet
- connections can be organized as a multi-tap bus without a hub; such
- configurations can serve up to 200 machines with minimal cost, but are
- not appropriate for parallel processing. Adding an unswitched hub
- does not really help performance. However, switched hubs that can
- provide full bandwidth to simultaneous connections cost only about
- $100 per port. Linux supports an amazing range of Ethernet
- interfaces, but it is important to keep in mind that variations in the
- interface hardware can yield significant performance differences. See
- the Hardware Compatibility HOWTO for comments on which are supported
- and how well they work; also see
- <http://cesdis1.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/>.
- An interesting way to improve performance is offered by the 16-machine
- Linux cluster work done in the Beowulf project,
- <http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/beowulf/beowulf.html>, at NASA
- CESDIS. There, Donald Becker, who is the author of many Ethernet card
- drivers, has developed support for load sharing across multiple
- Ethernet networks that shadow each other (i.e., share the same network
- addresses). This load sharing is built-into the standard Linux
- distribution, and is done invisibly below the socket operation level.
- Because hub cost is significant, having each machine connected to two
- or more hubless or unswitched hub Ethernet networks can be a very
- cost-effective way to improve performance. In fact, in situations
- where one machine is the network performance bottleneck, load sharing
- using shadow networks works much better than using a single switched
- hub network.
- 3.2.5. Ethernet (Fast Ethernet)
- ╖ Linux support: kernel drivers
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 100 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 80 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: commodity hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI
- ╖ Network structure: switched or unswitched hubs
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $400?
- Although there are really quite a few different technologies calling
- themselves "Fast Ethernet," this term most often refers to a hub-based
- 100 Mbits/s Ethernet that is somewhat compatible with older "10 BaseT"
- 10 Mbits/s devices and cables. As might be expected, anything called
- Ethernet is generally priced for a volume market, and these interfaces
- are generally a small fraction of the price of 155 Mbits/s ATM cards.
- The catch is that having a bunch of machines dividing the bandwidth of
- a single 100 Mbits/s "bus" (using an unswitched hub) yields
- performance that might not even be as good on average as using 10
- Mbits/s Ethernet with a switched hub that can give each machine's
- connection a full 10 Mbits/s.
- Switched hubs that can provide 100 Mbits/s for each machine
- simultaneously are expensive, but prices are dropping every day, and
- these switches do yield much higher total network bandwidth than
- unswitched hubs. The thing that makes ATM switches so expensive is
- that they must switch for each (relatively short) ATM cell; some Fast
- Ethernet switches take advantage of the expected lower switching
- frequency by using techniques that may have low latency through the
- switch, but take multiple milliseconds to change the switch path...
- if your routing pattern changes frequently, avoid those switches. See
- <http://cesdis1.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/> for information about
- the various cards and drivers.
- Also note that, as described for Ethernet, the Beowulf project,
- <http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/beowulf/beowulf.html>, at NASA has
- been developing support that offers improved performance by load
- sharing across multiple Fast Ethernets.
- 3.2.6. Ethernet (Gigabit Ethernet)
- ╖ Linux support: kernel drivers
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 1,000 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 300 microseconds?
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI
- ╖ Network structure: switched hubs or FDRs
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $2,500?
- I'm not sure that Gigabit Ethernet, <http://www.gigabit-
- ethernet.org/>, has a good technological reason to be called
- Ethernet... but the name does accurately reflect the fact that this
- is intended to be a cheap, mass-market, computer network technology
- with native support for IP. However, current pricing reflects the
- fact that Gb/s hardware is still a tricky thing to build.
- Unlike other Ethernet technologies, Gigabit Ethernet provides for a
- level of flow control that should make it a more reliable network.
- FDRs, or Full-Duplex Repeaters, simply multiplex lines, using
- buffering and localized flow control to improve performance. Most
- switched hubs are being built as new interface modules for existing
- gigabit-capable switch fabrics. Switch/FDR products have been shipped
- or announced by at least <http://www.acacianet.com/>,
- <http://www.baynetworks.com/>, <http://www.cabletron.com/>,
- <http://www.networks.digital.com/>,
- <http://www.extremenetworks.com/>, <http://www.foundrynet.com/>,
- <http://www.gigalabs.com/>, <http://www.packetengines.com/>.
- <http://www.plaintree.com/>, <http://www.prominet.com/>,
- <http://www.sun.com/>, and <http://www.xlnt.com/>.
- There is a Linux driver,
- <http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/yellowfin.html>, for the
- Packet Engines "Yellowfin" G-NIC, <http://www.packetengines.com/>.
- Early tests under Linux achieved about 2.5x higher bandwidth than
- could be achieved with the best 100 Mb/s Fast Ethernet; with gigabit
- networks, careful tuning of PCI bus use is a critical factor. There
- is little doubt that driver improvements, and Linux drivers for other
- NICs, will follow.
- 3.2.7. FC (Fibre Channel)
- ╖ Linux support: no
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 1,062 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: ?
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI?
- ╖ Network structure: ?
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: ?
- The goal of FC (Fibre Channel) is to provide high-performance block
- I/O (an FC frame carries a 2,048 byte data payload), particularly for
- sharing disks and other storage devices that can be directly connected
- to the FC rather than connected through a computer. Bandwidth-wise,
- FC is specified to be relatively fast, running anywhere between 133
- and 1,062 Mbits/s. If FC becomes popular as a high-end SCSI
- replacement, it may quickly become a cheap technology; for now, it is
- not cheap and is not supported by Linux. A good collection of FC
- references is maintained by the Fibre Channel Association at
- <http://www.amdahl.com/ext/CARP/FCA/FCA.html>
- 3.2.8. FireWire (IEEE 1394)
- ╖ Linux support: no
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 196.608 Mb/s (soon, 393.216 Mb/s)
- ╖ Minimum latency: ?
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI
- ╖ Network structure: random without cycles (self-configuring)
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $600
- FireWire, <http://www.firewire.org/>, the IEEE 1394-1995 standard, is
- destined to be the low-cost high-speed digital network for consumer
- electronics. The showcase application is connecting DV digital video
- camcorders to computers, but FireWire is intended to be used for
- applications ranging from being a SCSI replacement to interconnecting
- the components of your home theater. It allows up to 64K devices to
- be connected in any topology using busses and bridges that does not
- create a cycle, and automatically detects the configuration when
- components are added or removed. Short (four-byte "quadlet") low-
- latency messages are supported as well as ATM-like isochronous
- transmission (used to keep multimedia messages synchronized). Adaptec
- has FireWire products that allow up to 63 devices to be connected to a
- single PCI interface card, and also has good general FireWire
- information at <http://www.adaptec.com/serialio/>.
- Although FireWire will not be the highest bandwidth network available,
- the consumer-level market (which should drive prices very low) and low
- latency support might make this one of the best Linux PC cluster
- message-passing network technologies within the next year or so.
- 3.2.9. HiPPI And Serial HiPPI
- ╖ Linux support: no
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 1,600 Mb/s (serial is 1,200 Mb/s)
- ╖ Minimum latency: ?
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: EISA, PCI
- ╖ Network structure: switched hubs
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $3,500 (serial is $4,500)
- HiPPI (High Performance Parallel Interface) was originally intended to
- provide very high bandwidth for transfer of huge data sets between a
- supercomputer and another machine (a supercomputer, frame buffer, disk
- array, etc.), and has become the dominant standard for supercomputers.
- Although it is an oxymoron, Serial HiPPI is also becoming popular,
- typically using a fiber optic cable instead of the 32-bit wide
- standard (parallel) HiPPI cables. Over the past few years, HiPPI
- crossbar switches have become common and prices have dropped sharply;
- unfortunately, serial HiPPI is still pricey, and that is what PCI bus
- interface cards generally support. Worse still, Linux doesn't yet
- support HiPPI. A good overview of HiPPI is maintained by CERN at
- <http://www.cern.ch/HSI/hippi/>; they also maintain a rather long list
- of HiPPI vendors at
- <http://www.cern.ch/HSI/hippi/procintf/manufact.htm>.
- 3.2.10. IrDA (Infrared Data Association)
- ╖ Linux support: no?
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 1.15 Mb/s and 4 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: ?
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: IrDA
- ╖ Network structure: thin air ;-)
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $0
- IrDA (Infrared Data Association, <http://www.irda.org/>) is that
- little infrared device on the side of a lot of laptop PCs. It is
- inherently difficult to connect more than two machines using this
- interface, so it is unlikely to be used for clustering. Don Becker
- did some preliminary work with IrDA.
- 3.2.11. Myrinet
- ╖ Linux support: library
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 1,280 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 9 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: single-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI
- ╖ Network structure: switched hubs
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $1,800
- Myrinet <http://www.myri.com/> is a local area network (LAN) designed
- to also serve as a "system area network" (SAN), i.e., the network
- within a cabinet full of machines connected as a parallel system. The
- LAN and SAN versions use different physical media and have somewhat
- different characteristics; generally, the SAN version would be used
- within a cluster.
- Myrinet is fairly conventional in structure, but has a reputation for
- being particularly well-implemented. The drivers for Linux are said
- to perform very well, although shockingly large performance variations
- have been reported with different PCI bus implementations for the host
- computers.
- Currently, Myrinet is clearly the favorite network of cluster groups
- that are not too severely "budgetarily challenged." If your idea of a
- Linux PC is a high-end Pentium Pro or Pentium II with at least 256 MB
- RAM and a SCSI RAID, the cost of Myrinet is quite reasonable.
- However, using more ordinary PC configurations, you may find that your
- choice is between N machines linked by Myrinet or 2N linked by
- multiple Fast Ethernets and TTL_PAPERS. It really depends on what
- your budget is and what types of computations you care about most.
- 3.2.12. Parastation
- ╖ Linux support: HAL or socket library
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 125 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 2 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: single-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI
- ╖ Network structure: hubless mesh
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: > $1,000
- The ParaStation project <http://wwwipd.ira.uka.de/parastation> at
- University of Karlsruhe Department of Informatics is building a PVM-
- compatible custom low-latency network. They first constructed a two-
- processor ParaPC prototype using a custom EISA card interface and PCs
- running BSD UNIX, and then built larger clusters using DEC Alphas.
- Since January 1997, ParaStation has been available for Linux. The PCI
- cards are being made in cooperation with a company called Hitex (see
- <http://www.hitex.com:80/parastation/>). Parastation hardware
- implements both fast, reliable, message transmission and simple
- barrier synchronization.
- 3.2.13. PLIP
- ╖ Linux support: kernel driver
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 1.2 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 1,000 microseconds?
- ╖ Available as: commodity hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: SPP
- ╖ Network structure: cable between 2 machines
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $2
- For just the cost of a "LapLink" cable, PLIP (Parallel Line Interface
- Protocol) allows two Linux machines to communicate through standard
- parallel ports using standard socket-based software. In terms of
- bandwidth, latency, and scalability, this is not a very serious
- network technology; however, the near-zero cost and the software
- compatibility are useful. The driver is part of the standard Linux
- kernel distributions.
- 3.2.14. SCI
- ╖ Linux support: no
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 4,000 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 2.7 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI, proprietary
- ╖ Network structure: ?
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: > $1,000
- The goal of SCI (Scalable Coherent Interconnect, ANSI/IEEE 1596-1992)
- is essentially to provide a high performance mechanism that can
- support coherent shared memory access across large numbers of
- machines, as well various types of block message transfers. It is
- fairly safe to say that the designed bandwidth and latency of SCI are
- both "awesome" in comparison to most other network technologies. The
- catch is that SCI is not widely available as cheap production units,
- and there isn't any Linux support.
- SCI primarily is used in various proprietary designs for logically-
- shared physically-distributed memory machines, such as the HP/Convex
- Exemplar SPP and the Sequent NUMA-Q 2000 (see
- <http://www.sequent.com/>). However, SCI is available as a PCI
- interface card and 4-way switches (up to 16 machines can be connected
- by cascading four 4-way switches) from Dolphin,
- <http://www.dolphinics.com/>, as their CluStar product line. A good
- set of links overviewing SCI is maintained by CERN at
- <http://www.cern.ch/HSI/sci/sci.html>.
- 3.2.15. SCSI
- ╖ Linux support: kernel drivers
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 5 Mb/s to over 20 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: ?
- ╖ Available as: multiple-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI, EISA, ISA card
- ╖ Network structure: inter-machine bus sharing SCSI devices
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: ?
- SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interconnect) is essentially an I/O bus
- that is used for disk drives, CD ROMS, image scanners, etc. There are
- three separate standards SCSI-1, SCSI-2, and SCSI-3; Fast and Ultra
- speeds; and data path widths of 8, 16, or 32 bits (with FireWire
- compatibility also mentioned in SCSI-3). It is all pretty confusing,
- but we all know a good SCSI is somewhat faster than EIDE and can
- handle more devices more efficiently.
- What many people do not realize is that it is fairly simple for two
- computers to share a single SCSI bus. This type of configuration is
- very useful for sharing disk drives between machines and implementing
- fail-over - having one machine take over database requests when the
- other machine fails. Currently, this is the only mechanism supported
- by Microsoft's PC cluster product, WolfPack. However, the inability
- to scale to larger systems renders shared SCSI uninteresting for
- parallel processing in general.
- 3.2.16. ServerNet
- ╖ Linux support: no
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 400 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 3 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: single-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: PCI
- ╖ Network structure: hexagonal tree/tetrahedral lattice of hubs
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: ?
- ServerNet is the high-performance network hardware from Tandem,
- <http://www.tandem.com>. Especially in the online transation
- processing (OLTP) world, Tandem is well known as a leading producer of
- high-reliability systems, so it is not surprising that their network
- claims not just high performance, but also "high data integrity and
- reliability." Another interesting aspect of ServerNet is that it
- claims to be able to transfer data from any device directly to any
- device; not just between processors, but also disk drives, etc., in a
- one-sided style similar to that suggested by the MPI remote memory
- access mechanisms described in section 3.5. One last comment about
- ServerNet: although there is just a single vendor, that vendor is
- powerful enough to potentially establish ServerNet as a major
- standard... Tandem is owned by Compaq.
- 3.2.17. SHRIMP
- ╖ Linux support: user-level memory mapped interface
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 180 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 5 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: research prototype
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: EISA
- ╖ Network structure: mesh backplane (as in Intel Paragon)
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: ?
- The SHRIMP project, <http://www.CS.Princeton.EDU/shrimp/>, at the
- Princeton University Computer Science Department is building a
- parallel computer using PCs running Linux as the processing elements.
- The first SHRIMP (Scalable, High-Performance, Really Inexpensive
- Multi-Processor) was a simple two-processor prototype using a dual-
- ported RAM on a custom EISA card interface. There is now a prototype
- that will scale to larger configurations using a custom interface card
- to connect to a "hub" that is essentially the same mesh routing
- network used in the Intel Paragon (see
- <http://www.ssd.intel.com/paragon.html>). Considerable effort has
- gone into developing low-overhead "virtual memory mapped
- communication" hardware and support software.
- 3.2.18. SLIP
- ╖ Linux support: kernel drivers
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 0.1 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 1,000 microseconds?
- ╖ Available as: commodity hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: RS232C
- ╖ Network structure: cable between 2 machines
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $2
- Although SLIP (Serial Line Interface Protocol) is firmly planted at
- the low end of the performance spectrum, SLIP (or CSLIP or PPP) allows
- two machines to perform socket communication via ordinary RS232 serial
- ports. The RS232 ports can be connected using a null-modem RS232
- serial cable, or they can even be connected via dial-up through a
- modem. In any case, latency is high and bandwidth is low, so SLIP
- should be used only when no other alternatives are available. It is
- worth noting, however, that most PCs have two RS232 ports, so it would
- be possible to network a group of machines simply by connecting the
- machines as a linear array or as a ring. There is even load sharing
- software called EQL.
- 3.2.19. TTL_PAPERS
- ╖ Linux support: AFAPI library
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 1.6 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 3 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: public-domain design, single-vendor hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: SPP
- ╖ Network structure: tree of hubs
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $100
- The PAPERS (Purdue's Adapter for Parallel Execution and Rapid
- Synchronization) project, <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/>, at
- the Purdue University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering is
- building scalable, low-latency, aggregate function communication
- hardware and software that allows a parallel supercomputer to be built
- using unmodified PCs/workstations as nodes.
- There have been over a dozen different types of PAPERS hardware built
- that connect to PCs/workstations via the SPP (Standard Parallel Port),
- roughly following two development lines. The versions called "PAPERS"
- target higher performance, using whatever technologies are
- appropriate; current work uses FPGAs, and high bandwidth PCI bus
- interface designs are also under development. In contrast, the
- versions called "TTL_PAPERS" are designed to be easily reproduced
- outside Purdue, and are remarkably simple public domain designs that
- can be built using ordinary TTL logic. One such design is produced
- commercially, <http://chelsea.ios.com:80/~hgdietz/sbm4.html>.
- Unlike the custom hardware designs from other universities, TTL_PAPERS
- clusters have been assembled at many universities from the USA to
- South Korea. Bandwidth is severely limited by the SPP connections,
- but PAPERS implements very low latency aggregate function
- communications; even the fastest message-oriented systems cannot
- provide comparable performance on those aggregate functions. Thus,
- PAPERS is particularly good for synchronizing the displays of a video
- wall (to be discussed further in the upcoming Video Wall HOWTO),
- scheduling accesses to a high-bandwidth network, evaluating global
- fitness in genetic searches, etc. Although PAPERS clusters have been
- built using IBM PowerPC AIX, DEC Alpha OSF/1, and HP PA-RISC HP-UX
- machines, Linux-based PCs are the platforms best supported.
- User programs using TTL_PAPERS AFAPI directly access the SPP hardware
- port registers under Linux, without an OS call for each access. To do
- this, AFAPI first gets port permission using either iopl() or
- ioperm(). The problem with these calls is that both require the user
- program to be privileged, yielding a potential security hole. The
- solution is an optional kernel patch,
- <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/giveioperm.html>, that allows a
- privileged process to control port permission for any process.
- 3.2.20. USB (Universal Serial Bus)
- ╖ Linux support: kernel driver
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 12 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: ?
- ╖ Available as: commodity hardware
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: USB
- ╖ Network structure: bus
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $5?
- USB (Universal Serial Bus, <http://www.usb.org/>) is a hot-pluggable
- conventional-Ethernet-speed, bus for up to 127 peripherals ranging
- from keyboards to video conferencing cameras. It isn't really clear
- how multiple computers get connected to each other using USB. In any
- case, USB ports are quickly becoming as standard on PC motherboards as
- RS232 and SPP, so don't be surprised if one or two USB ports are
- lurking on the back of the next PC you buy. Development of a Linux
- driver is discussed at <http://peloncho.fis.ucm.es/~inaky/USB.html>.
- In some ways, USB is almost the low-performance, zero-cost, version of
- FireWire that you can purchase today.
- 3.2.21. WAPERS
- ╖ Linux support: AFAPI library
- ╖ Maximum bandwidth: 0.4 Mb/s
- ╖ Minimum latency: 3 microseconds
- ╖ Available as: public-domain design
- ╖ Interface port/bus used: SPP
- ╖ Network structure: wiring pattern between 2-64 machines
- ╖ Cost per machine connected: $5
- WAPERS (Wired-AND Adapter for Parallel Execution and Rapid
- Synchronization) is a spin-off of the PAPERS project,
- <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/>, at the Purdue University
- School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. If implemented
- properly, the SPP has four bits of open-collector output that can be
- wired together across machines to implement a 4-bit wide wired AND.
- This wired-AND is electrically touchy, and the maximum number of
- machines that can be connected in this way critically depends on the
- analog properties of the ports (maximum sink current and pull-up
- resistor value); typically, up to 7 or 8 machines can be networked by
- WAPERS. Although cost and latency are very low, so is bandwidth;
- WAPERS is much better as a second network for aggregate operations
- than as the only network in a cluster. As with TTL_PAPERS, to improve
- system security, there is a minor kernel patch recommended, but not
- required: <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/giveioperm.html>.
- 3.3. Network Software Interface
- Before moving on to discuss the software support for parallel
- applications, it is useful to first briefly cover the basics of low-
- level software interface to the network hardware. There are really
- only three basic choices: sockets, device drivers, and user-level
- libraries.
- 3.3.1. Sockets
- By far the most common low-level network interface is a socket
- interface. Sockets have been a part of unix for over a decade, and
- most standard network hardware is designed to support at least two
- types of socket protocols: UDP and TCP. Both types of socket allow
- you to send arbitrary size blocks of data from one machine to another,
- but there are several important differences. Typically, both yield a
- minimum latency of around 1,000 microseconds, although performance can
- be far worse depending on network traffic.
- These socket types are the basic network software interface for most
- of the portable, higher-level, parallel processing software; for
- example, PVM uses a combination of UDP and TCP, so knowing the
- difference will help you tune performance. For even better
- performance, you can also use these mechanisms directly in your
- program. The following is just a simple overview of UDP and TCP; see
- the manual pages and a good network programming book for details.
- UDP Protocol (SOCK_DGRAM)
- UDP is the User Datagram Protocol, but you more easily can remember
- the properties of UDP as Unreliable Datagram Processing. In other
- words, UDP allows each block to be sent as an individual message, but
- a message might be lost in transmission. In fact, depending on
- network traffic, UDP messages can be lost, can arrive multiple times,
- or can arrive in an order different from that in which they were sent.
- The sender of a UDP message does not automatically get an
- acknowledgment, so it is up to user-written code to detect and
- compensate for these problems. Fortunately, UDP does ensure that if a
- message arrives, the message contents are intact (i.e., you never get
- just part of a UDP message).
- The nice thing about UDP is that it tends to be the fastest socket
- protocol. Further, UDP is "connectionless," which means that each
- message is essentially independent of all others. A good analogy is
- that each message is like a letter to be mailed; you might send
- multiple letters to the same address, but each one is independent of
- the others and there is no limit on how many people you can send
- letters to.
- TCP Protocol (SOCK_STREAM)
- Unlike UDP, TCP is a reliable, connection-based, protocol. Each block
- sent is not seen as a message, but as a block of data within an
- apparently continuous stream of bytes being transmitted through a
- connection between sender and receiver. This is very different from
- UDP messaging because each block is simply part of the byte stream and
- it is up to the user code to figure-out how to extract each block from
- the byte stream; there are no markings separating messages. Further,
- the connections are more fragile with respect to network problems, and
- only a limited number of connections can exist simultaneously for each
- process. Because it is reliable, TCP generally implies significantly
- more overhead than UDP.
- There are, however, a few pleasant surprises about TCP. One is that,
- if multiple messages are sent through a connection, TCP is able to
- pack them together in a buffer to better match network hardware packet
- sizes, potentially yielding better-than-UDP performance for groups of
- short or oddly-sized messages. The other bonus is that networks
- constructed using reliable direct physical links between machines can
- easily and efficiently simulate TCP connections. For example, this
- was done for the ParaStation's "Socket Library" interface software,
- which provides TCP semantics using user-level calls that differ from
- the standard TCP OS calls only by the addition of the prefix PSS to
- each function name.
- 3.3.2. Device Drivers
- When it comes to actually pushing data onto the network or pulling
- data off the network, the standard unix software interface is a part
- of the unix kernel called a device driver. UDP and TCP don't just
- transport data, they also imply a fair amount of overhead for socket
- management. For example, something has to manage the fact that
- multiple TCP connections can share a single physical network
- interface. In contrast, a device driver for a dedicated network
- interface only needs to implement a few simple data transport
- functions. These device driver functions can then be invoked by user
- programs by using open() to identify the proper device and then using
- system calls like read() and write() on the open "file." Thus, each
- such operation could transport a block of data with little more than
- the overhead of a system call, which might be as fast as tens of
- microseconds.
- Writing a device driver to be used with Linux is not hard... if you
- know precisely how the device hardware works. If you are not sure how
- it works, don't guess. Debugging device drivers isn't fun and
- mistakes can fry hardware. However, if that hasn't scared you off, it
- may be possible to write a device driver to, for example, use
- dedicated Ethernet cards as dumb but fast direct machine-to-machine
- connections without the usual Ethernet protocol overhead. In fact,
- that's pretty much what some early Intel supercomputers did.... Look
- at the Device Driver HOWTO for more information.
- 3.3.3. User-Level Libraries
- If you've taken an OS course, user-level access to hardware device
- registers is exactly what you have been taught never to do, because
- one of the primary purposes of an OS is to control device access.
- However, an OS call is at least tens of microseconds of overhead. For
- custom network hardware like TTL_PAPERS, which can perform a basic
- network operation in just 3 microseconds, such OS call overhead is
- intolerable. The only way to avoid that overhead is to have user-
- level code - a user-level library - directly access hardware device
- registers. Thus, the question becomes one of how a user-level library
- can access hardware directly, yet not compromise the OS control of
- device access rights.
- On a typical system, the only way for a user-level library to directly
- access hardware device registers is to:
- 1. At user program start-up, use an OS call to map the page of memory
- address space containing the device registers into the user process
- virtual memory map. For some systems, the mmap() call (first
- mentioned in section 2.6) can be used to map a special file which
- represents the physical memory page addresses of the I/O devices.
- Alternatively, it is relatively simple to write a device driver to
- perform this function. Further, this device driver can control
- access by only mapping the page(s) containing the specific device
- registers needed, thereby maintaining OS access control.
- 2. Access device registers without an OS call by simply loading or
- storing to the mapped addresses. For example, *((char *) 0x1234) =
- 5; would store the byte value 5 into memory location 1234
- (hexadecimal).
- Fortunately, it happens that Linux for the Intel 386 (and compatible
- processors) offers an even better solution:
- 1. Using the ioperm() OS call from a privileged process, get
- permission to access the precise I/O port addresses that correspond
- to the device registers. Alternatively, permission can be managed
- by an independent privileged user process (i.e., a "meta OS") using
- the giveioperm() OS call
- <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/giveioperm.html> patch for
- Linux.
- 2. Access device registers without an OS call by using 386 port I/O
- instructions.
- This second solution is preferable because it is common that multiple
- I/O devices have their registers within a single page, in which case
- the first technique would not provide protection against accessing
- other device registers that happened to reside in the same page as the
- ones intended. Of course, the down side is that 386 port I/O
- instructions cannot be coded in C - instead, you will need to use a
- bit of assembly code. The GCC-wrapped (usable in C programs) inline
- assembly code function for a port input of a byte value is:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- extern inline unsigned char
- inb(unsigned short port)
- {
- unsigned char _v;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("inb %w1,%b0"
- :"=a" (_v)
- :"d" (port), "0" (0));
- return _v;
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Similarly, the GCC-wrapped code for a byte port output is:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- extern inline void
- outb(unsigned char value,
- unsigned short port)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("outb %b0,%w1"
- :/* no outputs */
- :"a" (value), "d" (port));
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 3.4. PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine)
- PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) is a freely-available, portable,
- message-passing library generally implemented on top of sockets. It
- is clearly established as the de-facto standard for message-passing
- cluster parallel computing.
- PVM supports single-processor and SMP Linux machines, as well as
- clusters of Linux machines linked by socket-capable networks (e.g.,
- SLIP, PLIP, Ethernet, ATM). In fact, PVM will even work across groups
- of machines in which a variety of different types of processors,
- configurations, and physical networks are used - Heterogeneous
- Clusters - even to the scale of treating machines linked by the
- Internet as a parallel cluster. PVM also provides facilities for
- parallel job control across a cluster. Best of all, PVM has long been
- freely available (currently from
- <http://www.epm.ornl.gov/pvm/pvm_home.html>), which has led to many
- programming language compilers, application libraries, programming and
- debugging tools, etc., using it as their "portable message-passing
- target library." There is also a network newsgroup,
- comp.parallel.pvm.
- It is important to note, however, that PVM message-passing calls
- generally add significant overhead to standard socket operations,
- which already had high latency. Further, the message handling calls
- themselves do not constitute a particularly "friendly" programming
- model.
- Using the same Pi computation example first described in section 1.3,
- the version using C with PVM library calls is:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <pvm3.h>
- #define NPROC 4
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- register double lsum, width;
- double sum;
- register int intervals, i;
- int mytid, iproc, msgtag = 4;
- int tids[NPROC]; /* array of task ids */
- /* enroll in pvm */
- mytid = pvm_mytid();
- /* Join a group and, if I am the first instance,
- iproc=0, spawn more copies of myself
- */
- iproc = pvm_joingroup("pi");
- if (iproc == 0) {
- tids[0] = pvm_mytid();
- pvm_spawn("pvm_pi", &argv[1], 0, NULL, NPROC-1, &tids[1]);
- }
- /* make sure all processes are here */
- pvm_barrier("pi", NPROC);
- /* get the number of intervals */
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- lsum = 0.0;
- for (i = iproc; i<intervals; i+=NPROC) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- lsum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- /* sum across the local results & scale by width */
- sum = lsum * width;
- pvm_reduce(PvmSum, &sum, 1, PVM_DOUBLE, msgtag, "pi", 0);
- /* have only the console PE print the result */
- if (iproc == 0) {
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", sum);
- }
- /* Check program finished, leave group, exit pvm */
- pvm_barrier("pi", NPROC);
- pvm_lvgroup("pi");
- pvm_exit();
- return(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 3.5. MPI (Message Passing Interface)
- Although PVM is the de-facto standard message-passing library, MPI
- (Message Passing Interface) is the relatively new official standard.
- The home page for the MPI standard is
- <http://www.mcs.anl.gov:80/mpi/> and the newsgroup is
- comp.parallel.mpi.
- However, before discussing MPI, I feel compelled to say a little bit
- about the PVM vs. MPI religious war that has been going on for the
- past few years. I'm not really on either side. Here's my attempt at
- a relatively unbiased summary of the differences:
- Execution control environment.
- Put simply, PVM has one and MPI doesn't specify how/if one is
- implemented. Thus, things like starting a PVM program executing
- are done identically everywhere, while for MPI it depends on
- which implementation is being used.
- Support for heterogeneous clusters.
- PVM grew-up in the workstation cycle-scavenging world, and thus
- directly manages heterogeneous mixes of machines and operating
- systems. In contrast, MPI largely assumes that the target is an
- MPP (Massively Parallel Processor) or a dedicated cluster of
- nearly identical workstations.
- Kitchen sink syndrome.
- PVM evidences a unity of purpose that MPI 2.0 doesn't. The new
- MPI 2.0 standard includes a lot of features that go way beyond
- the basic message passing model - things like RMA (Remote Memory
- Access) and parallel file I/O. Are these things useful? Of
- course they are... but learning MPI 2.0 is a lot like learning
- a complete new programming language.
- User interface design.
- MPI was designed after PVM, and clearly learned from it. MPI
- offers simpler, more efficient, buffer handling and higher-level
- abstractions allowing user-defined data structures to be
- transmitted in messages.
- The force of law.
- By my count, there are still significantly more things designed
- to use PVM than there are to use MPI; however, porting them to
- MPI is easy, and the fact that MPI is backed by a widely-
- supported formal standard means that using MPI is, for many
- institutions, a matter of policy.
- Conclusion? Well, there are at least three independently developed,
- freely available, versions of MPI that can run on clusters of Linux
- systems (and I wrote one of them):
- ╖ LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) is a full implementation of the MPI
- 1.1 standard. It allows MPI programs to be executed within an
- individual Linux system or across a cluster of Linux systems using
- UDP/TCP socket communication. The system includes simple execution
- control facilities, as well as a variety of program development and
- debugging aids. It is freely available from
- <http://www.osc.edu/lam.html>.
- ╖ MPICH (MPI CHameleon) is designed as a highly portable full
- implementation of the MPI 1.1 standard. Like LAM, it allows MPI
- programs to be executed within an individual Linux system or across
- a cluster of Linux systems using UDP/TCP socket communication.
- However, the emphasis is definitely on promoting MPI by providing
- an efficient, easily retargetable, implementation. To port this
- MPI implementation, one implements either the five functions of the
- "channel interface" or, for better performance, the full MPICH ADI
- (Abstract Device Interface). MPICH, and lots of information about
- it and porting, are available from
- <http://www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/>.
- ╖ AFMPI (Aggregate Function MPI) is a subset implementation of the
- MPI 2.0 standard. This is the one that I wrote. Built on top of
- the AFAPI, it is designed to showcase low-latency collective
- communication functions and RMAs, and thus provides only minimal
- support for MPI data types, communicators, etc. It allows C
- programs using MPI to run on an individual Linux system or across a
- cluster connected by AFAPI-capable network hardware. It is freely
- available from <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/>.
- No matter which of these (or other) MPI implementations one uses, it
- is fairly simple to perform the most common types of communications.
- However, MPI 2.0 incorporates several communication paradigms that are
- fundamentally different enough so that a programmer using one of them
- might not even recognize the other coding styles as MPI. Thus, rather
- than giving a single example program, it is useful to have an example
- of each of the fundamentally different communication paradigms that
- MPI supports. All three programs implement the same basic algorithm
- (from section 1.3) that is used throughout this HOWTO to compute the
- value of Pi.
- The first MPI program uses basic MPI message-passing calls for each
- processor to send its partial sum to processor 0, which sums and
- prints the result:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <mpi.h>
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- register double width;
- double sum, lsum;
- register int intervals, i;
- int nproc, iproc;
- MPI_Status status;
- if (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) exit(1);
- MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
- MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iproc);
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- lsum = 0;
- for (i=iproc; i<intervals; i+=nproc) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- lsum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- lsum *= width;
- if (iproc != 0) {
- MPI_Send(&lbuf, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- } else {
- sum = lsum;
- for (i=1; i<nproc; ++i) {
- sum += lsum;
- }
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", sum);
- }
- MPI_Finalize();
- return(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The second MPI version uses collective communication (which, for this
- particular application, is clearly the most appropriate):
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <mpi.h>
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- register double width;
- double sum, lsum;
- register int intervals, i;
- int nproc, iproc;
- if (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) exit(1);
- MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
- MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iproc);
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- lsum = 0;
- for (i=iproc; i<intervals; i+=nproc) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- lsum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- lsum *= width;
- MPI_Reduce(&lsum, &sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
- if (iproc == 0) {
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", sum);
- }
- MPI_Finalize();
- return(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The third MPI version uses the MPI 2.0 RMA mechanism for each
- processor to add its local lsum into sum on processor 0:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <mpi.h>
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- register double width;
- double sum = 0, lsum;
- register int intervals, i;
- int nproc, iproc;
- MPI_Win sum_win;
- if (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) exit(1);
- MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
- MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iproc);
- MPI_Win_create(&sum, sizeof(sum), sizeof(sum),
- 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sum_win);
- MPI_Win_fence(0, sum_win);
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- lsum = 0;
- for (i=iproc; i<intervals; i+=nproc) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- lsum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- lsum *= width;
- MPI_Accumulate(&lsum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0,
- 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, sum_win);
- MPI_Win_fence(0, sum_win);
- if (iproc == 0) {
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", sum);
- }
- MPI_Finalize();
- return(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- It is useful to note that the MPI 2.0 RMA mechanism very neatly
- overcomes any potential problems with the corresponding data structure
- on various processors residing at different memory locations. This is
- done by referencing a "window" that implies the base address,
- protection against out-of-bound accesses, and even address scaling.
- Efficient implementation is aided by the fact that RMA processing may
- be delayed until the next MPI_Win_fence. In summary, the RMA
- mechanism may be a strange cross between distributed shared memory and
- message passing, but it is a very clean interface that potentially
- generates very efficient communication.
- 3.6. AFAPI (Aggregate Function API)
- Unlike PVM, MPI, etc., the AFAPI (Aggregate Function Application
- Program Interface) did not start life as an attempt to build a
- portable abstract interface layered on top of existing network
- hardware and software. Rather, AFAPI began as the very hardware-
- specific low-level support library for PAPERS (Purdue's Adapter for
- Parallel Execution and Rapid Synchronization; see
- <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/>).
- PAPERS was discussed briefly in section 3.2; it is a public domain
- design custom aggregate function network that delivers latencies as
- low as a few microseconds. However, the important thing about PAPERS
- is that it was developed as an attempt to build a supercomputer that
- would be a better target for compiler technology than existing
- supercomputers. This is qualitatively different from most Linux
- cluster efforts and PVM/MPI, which generally focus on trying to use
- standard networks for the relatively few sufficiently coarse-grain
- parallel applications. The fact that Linux PCs are used as components
- of PAPERS systems is simply an artifact of implementing prototypes in
- the most cost-effective way possible.
- The need for a common low-level software interface across more than a
- dozen different prototype implementations was what made the PAPERS
- library become standardized as AFAPI. However, the model used by
- AFAPI is inherently simpler and better suited for the finer-grain
- interactions typical of code compiled by parallelizing compilers or
- written for SIMD architectures. The simplicity of the model not only
- makes PAPERS hardware easy to build, but also yields surprisingly
- efficient AFAPI ports for a variety of other hardware systems, such as
- SMPs.
- AFAPI currently runs on Linux clusters connected using TTL_PAPERS,
- CAPERS, or WAPERS. It also runs (without OS calls or even bus-lock
- instructions, see section 2.2) on SMP systems using a System V Shared
- Memory library called SHMAPERS. A version that runs across Linux
- clusters using UDP broadcasts on conventional networks (e.g.,
- Ethernet) is under development. All released versions are available
- from <http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers/>. All versions of the
- AFAPI are designed to be called from C or C++.
- The following example program is the AFAPI version of the Pi
- computation described in section 1.3.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "afapi.h"
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- register double width, sum;
- register int intervals, i;
- if (p_init()) exit(1);
- intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
- width = 1.0 / intervals;
- sum = 0;
- for (i=IPROC; i<intervals; i+=NPROC) {
- register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
- sum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
- }
- sum = p_reduceAdd64f(sum) * width;
- if (IPROC == CPROC) {
- printf("Estimation of pi is %f\n", sum);
- }
- p_exit();
- return(0);
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 3.7. Other Cluster Support Libraries
- In addition to PVM, MPI, and AFAPI, the following libraries offer
- features that may be useful in parallel computing using a cluster of
- Linux systems. These systems are given a lighter treatment in this
- document simply because, unlike PVM, MPI, and AFAPI, I have little or
- no direct experience with the use of these systems on Linux clusters.
- If you find any of these or other libraries to be especially useful,
- please send email to me at pplinux@ecn.purdue.edu describing what
- you've found, and I will consider adding an expanded section on that
- library.
- 3.7.1. Condor (process migration support)
- Condor is a distributed resource management system that can manage
- large heterogeneous clusters of workstations. Its design has been
- motivated by the needs of users who would like to use the unutilized
- capacity of such clusters for their long-running, computation-
- intensive jobs. Condor preserves a large measure of the originating
- machine's environment on the execution machine, even if the
- originating and execution machines do not share a common file system
- and/or password mechanisms. Condor jobs that consist of a single
- process are automatically checkpointed and migrated between
- workstations as needed to ensure eventual completion.
- Condor is available at <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/>. A Linux
- port exists; more information is available at
- <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/linux/linux.html>. Contact condor-
- admin@cs.wisc.edu for details.
- 3.7.2. DFN-RPC (German Research Network - Remote Procedure Call)
- The DFN-RPC, a (German Research Network Remote Procedure Call) tool,
- was developed to distribute and parallelize scientific-technical
- application programs between a workstation and a compute server or a
- cluster. The interface is optimized for applications written in
- fortran, but the DFN-RPC can also be used in a C environment. It has
- been ported to Linux. More information is at <ftp://ftp.uni-
- stuttgart.de/pub/rus/dfn_rpc/README_dfnrpc.html>.
- 3.7.3. DQS (Distributed Queueing System)
- Not exactly a library, DQS 3.0 (Distributed Queueing System) is a job
- queueing system that has been developed and tested under Linux. It is
- designed to allow both use and administration of a heterogeneous
- cluster as a single entity. It is available from
- <http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~pasko/dqs.html>.
- There is also a commercial version called CODINE 4.1.1 (COmputing in
- DIstributed Network Environments). Information on it is available
- from <http://www.genias.de/genias_welcome.html>.
- 3.8. General Cluster References
- Because clusters can be constructed and used in so many different
- ways, there are quite a few groups that have made interesting
- contributions. The following are references to various cluster-
- related projects that may be of general interest. This includes a mix
- of Linux-specific and generic cluster references. The list is given
- in alphabetical order.
- 3.8.1. Beowulf
- The Beowulf project, <http://cesdis1.gsfc.nasa.gov/beowulf/>, centers
- on production of software for using off-the-shelf clustered
- workstations based on commodity PC-class hardware, a high-bandwidth
- cluster-internal network, and the Linux operating system.
- Thomas Sterling has been the driving force behind Beowulf, and
- continues to be an eloquent and outspoken proponent of Linux
- clustering for scientific computing in general. In fact, many groups
- now refer to their clusters as "Beowulf class" systems - even if the
- cluster isn't really all that similar to the official Beowulf design.
- Don Becker, working in support of the Beowulf project, has produced
- many of the network drivers used by Linux in general. Many of these
- drivers have even been adapted for use in BSD. Don also is
- responsible for many of these Linux network drivers allowing load-
- sharing across multiple parallel connections to achieve higher
- bandwidth without expensive switched hubs. This type of load sharing
- was the original distinguishing feature of the Beowulf cluster.
- 3.8.2. Linux/AP+
- The Linux/AP+ project, <http://cap.anu.edu.au/cap/projects/linux/>,
- is not exactly about Linux clustering, but centers on porting Linux to
- the Fujitsu AP1000+ and adding appropriate parallel processing
- enhancements. The AP1000+ is a commercially available SPARC-based
- parallel machine that uses a custom network with a torus topology, 25
- MB/s bandwidth, and 10 microsecond latency... in short, it looks a
- lot like a SPARC Linux cluster.
- 3.8.3. Locust
- The Locust project, <http://www.ecsl.cs.sunysb.edu/~manish/locust/>,
- is building a distributed virtual shared memory system that uses
- compile-time information to hide message-latency and to reduce network
- traffic at run time. Pupa is the underlying communication subsystem
- of Locust, and is implemented using Ethernet to connect 486 PCs under
- FreeBSD. Linux?
- 3.8.4. Midway DSM (Distributed Shared Memory)
- Midway,
- <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/midway/WWW/HomePage.html>,
- is a software-based DSM (Distributed Shared Memory) system, not unlike
- TreadMarks. The good news is that it uses compile-time aids rather
- than relatively slow page-fault mechanisms, and it is free. The bad
- news is that it doesn't run on Linux clusters.
- 3.8.5. Mosix
- MOSIX modifies the BSDI BSD/OS to provide dynamic load balancing and
- preemptive process migration across a networked group of PCs. This is
- nice stuff not just for parallel processing, but for generally using a
- cluster much like a scalable SMP. Will there be a Linux version?
- Look at <http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/mosix/> for more information.
- 3.8.6. NOW (Network Of Workstations)
- The Berkeley NOW (Network Of Workstations) project,
- <http://now.cs.berkeley.edu/>, has led much of the push toward
- parallel computing using networks of workstations. There is a lot
- work going on here, all aimed toward "demonstrating a practical 100
- processor system in the next few years." Alas, they don't use Linux.
- 3.8.7. Parallel Processing Using Linux
- The parallel processing using Linux WWW site,
- <http://yara.ecn.purdue.edu/~pplinux/>, is the home of this HOWTO and
- many related documents including online slides for a full-day
- tutorial. Aside from the work on the PAPERS project, the Purdue
- University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering generally has
- been a leader in parallel processing; this site was established to
- help others apply Linux PCs for parallel processing.
- Since Purdue's first cluster of Linux PCs was assembled in February
- 1994, there have been many Linux PC clusters assembled at Purdue,
- including several with video walls. Although these clusters used 386,
- 486, and Pentium systems (no Pentium Pro systems), Intel recently
- awarded Purdue a donation which will allow it to construct multiple
- large clusters of Pentium II systems (with as many as 165 machines
- planned for a single cluster). Although these clusters all have/will
- have PAPERS networks, most also have conventional networks.
- 3.8.8. Pentium Pro Cluster Workshop
- In Des Moines, Iowa, April 10-11, 1997, AMES Laboratory held the
- Pentium Pro Cluster Workshop. The WWW site from this workshop,
- <http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/workshops/PPCworkshop.html>, contains a
- wealth of PC cluster information gathered from all the attendees.
- 3.8.9. TreadMarks DSM (Distributed Shared Memory)
- DSM (Distributed Shared Memory) is a technique whereby a message-
- passing system can appear to behave as an SMP. There are quite a few
- such systems, most of which use the OS page-fault mechanism to trigger
- message transmissions. TreadMarks,
- <http://www.cs.rice.edu/~willy/TreadMarks/overview.html>, is one of
- the more efficient of such systems and does run on Linux clusters.
- The bad news is "TreadMarks is being distributed at a small cost to
- universities and nonprofit institutions." For more information about
- the software, contact treadmarks@ece.rice.edu.
- 3.8.10. U-Net (User-level NETwork interface architecture)
- The U-Net (User-level NETwork interface architecture) project at
- Cornell, <http://www2.cs.cornell.edu/U-Net/Default.html>, attempts to
- provide low-latency and high-bandwidth using commodity network
- hardware by by virtualizing the network interface so that applications
- can send and receive messages without operating system intervention.
- U-Net runs on Linux PCs using a DECchip DC21140 based Fast Ethernet
- card or a Fore Systems PCA-200 (not PCA-200E) ATM card.
- 3.8.11. WWT (Wisconsin Wind Tunnel)
- There is really quite a lot of cluster-related work at Wisconsin. The
- WWT (Wisconsin Wind Tunnel) project, <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~wwt/>,
- is doing all sorts of work toward developing a "standard" interface
- between compilers and the underlying parallel hardware. There is the
- Wisconsin COW (Cluster Of Workstations), Cooperative Shared Memory and
- Tempest, the Paradyn Parallel Performance Tools, etc. Unfortunately,
- there is not much about Linux.
- 4. SIMD Within A Register (e.g., using MMX)
- SIMD (Single Instruction stream, Multiple Data stream) Within A
- Register (SWAR) isn't a new idea. Given a machine with k-bit
- registers, data paths, and function units, it has long been known that
- ordinary register operations can function as SIMD parallel operations
- on n, k/n-bit, integer field values. However, it is only with the
- recent push for multimedia that the 2x to 8x speedup offered by SWAR
- techniques has become a concern for mainstream computing. The 1997
- versions of most microprocessors incorporate hardware support for
- ╖ AMD K6 MMX (MultiMedia eXtensions)
- ╖ Cyrix M2 MMX (MultiMedia eXtensions)
- ╖ Digital Alpha MAX (MultimediA eXtensions)
- ╖ Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC MAX (Multimedia Acceleration eXtensions)
- ╖ Intel Pentium II & Pentium with MMX (MultiMedia eXtensions)
- ╖ Microunity Mediaprocessor SIGD (Single Instruction on Groups of
- Data)
- ╖ MIPS Digital Media eXtension (MDMX, pronounced Mad Max)
- ╖ Sun SPARC V9 VIS (Visual Instruction Set)
- There are a few holes in the hardware support provided by the new
- microprocessors, quirks like only supporting some operations for some
- field sizes. It is important to remember, however, that you don't
- need any hardware support for many SWAR operations to be efficient.
- For example, bitwise operations are not affected by the logical
- partitioning of a register.
- 4.1. SWAR: What Is It Good For?
- Although every modern processor is capable of executing with at least
- some SWAR parallelism, the sad fact is that even the best SWAR-
- enhanced instruction sets do not support very general-purpose
- parallelism. In fact, many people have noticed that the performance
- difference between Pentium and "Pentium with MMX technology" is often
- due to things like the larger L1 cache that coincided with appearance
- of MMX. So, realistically, what is SWAR (or MMX) good for?
- ╖ Integers only, the smaller the better. Two 32-bit values fit in a
- 64-bit MMX register, but so do eight one-byte characters or even an
- entire chess board worth of one-bit values.
- Note: there will be a floating-point version of MMX, although very
- little has been said about it at this writing. Cyrix has posted a
- set of slides, <ftp://ftp.cyrix.com/developr/mpf97rm.pdf>, that
- includes a few comments about MMFP. Apparently, MMFP will support
- two 32-bit floating-point numbers to be packed into a 64-bit MMX
- register; combining this with two MMFP pipelines will yield four
- single-precision FLOPs per clock.
- ╖ SIMD or vector-style parallelism. The same operation is applied to
- all fields simultaneously. There are ways to nullify the effects
- on selected fields (i.e., equivalent to SIMD enable masking), but
- they complicate coding and hurt performance.
- ╖ Localized, regular (preferably packed), memory reference patterns.
- SWAR in general, and MMX in particular, are terrible at randomly-
- ordered accesses; gathering a vector x[y] (where y is an index
- array) is prohibitively expensive.
- These are serious restrictions, but this type of parallelism occurs in
- many parallel algorithms - not just multimedia applications. For the
- right type of algorithm, SWAR is more effective than SMP or cluster
- parallelism... and it doesn't cost anything to use it.
- 4.2. Introduction To SWAR Programming
- The basic concept of SWAR, SIMD Within A Register, is that operations
- on word-length registers can be used to speed-up computations by
- performing SIMD parallel operations on n k/n-bit field values.
- However, making use of SWAR technology can be awkward, and some SWAR
- operations are actually more expensive than the corresponding
- sequences of serial operations because they require additional
- instructions to enforce the field partitioning.
- To illustrate this point, let's consider a greatly simplified SWAR
- mechanism that manages four 8-bit fields within each 32-bit register.
- The values in two registers might be represented as:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- PE3 PE2 PE1 PE0
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- Reg0 | D 7:0 | C 7:0 | B 7:0 | A 7:0 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- Reg1 | H 7:0 | G 7:0 | F 7:0 | E 7:0 |
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- ______________________________________________________________________
- This simply indicates that each register is viewed as essentially a
- vector of four independent 8-bit integer values. Alternatively, think
- of A and E as values in Reg0 and Reg1 of processing element 0 (PE0), B
- and F as values in PE1's registers, and so forth.
- The remainder of this document briefly reviews the basic classes of
- SIMD parallel operations on these integer vectors and how these
- functions can be implemented.
- 4.2.1. Polymorphic Operations
- Some SWAR operations can be performed trivially using ordinary 32-bit
- integer operations, without concern for the fact that the operation is
- really intended to operate independently in parallel on these 8-bit
- fields. We call any such SWAR operation polymorphic, since the
- function is unaffected by the field types (sizes).
- Testing if any field is non-zero is polymorphic, as are all bitwise
- logic operations. For example, an ordinary bitwise-and operation (C's
- & operator) performs a bitwise and no matter what the field sizes are.
- A simple bitwise and of the above registers yields:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- PE3 PE2 PE1 PE0
- +---------+---------+---------+---------+
- Reg2 | D&H 7:0 | C&G 7:0 | B&F 7:0 | A&E 7:0 |
- +---------+---------+---------+---------+
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Because the bitwise and operation always has the value of result bit k
- affected only by the values of the operand bit k values, all field
- sizes are supported using the same single instruction.
- 4.2.2. Partitioned Operations
- Unfortunately, lots of important SWAR operations are not polymorphic.
- Arithmetic operations such as add, subtract, multiply, and divide are
- all subject to carry/borrow interactions between fields. We call such
- SWAR operations partitioned, because each such operation must
- effectively partition the operands and result to prevent interactions
- between fields. However, there are actually three different methods
- that can be used to achieve this effect.
- Partitioned Instructions
- Perhaps the most obvious approach to implementing partitioned
- operations is to provide hardware support for "partitioned parallel
- instructions" that cut the carry/borrow logic between fields. This
- approach can yield the highest performance, but it requires a change
- to the processor's instruction set and generally places many
- restrictions on field size (e.g., 8-bit fields might be supported, but
- not 12-bit fields).
- The AMD/Cyrix/Intel MMX, Digital MAX, HP MAX, and Sun VIS all
- implement restricted versions of partitioned instructions.
- Unfortunately, these different instruction set extensions have
- significantly different restrictions, making algorithms somewhat non-
- portable between them. For example, consider the following sampling
- of partitioned operations:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Instruction AMD/Cyrix/Intel MMX DEC MAX HP MAX Sun VIS
- +---------------------+---------------------+---------+--------+---------+
- | Absolute Difference | | 8 | | 8 |
- +---------------------+---------------------+---------+--------+---------+
- | Merge Maximum | | 8, 16 | | |
- +---------------------+---------------------+---------+--------+---------+
- | Compare | 8, 16, 32 | | | 16, 32 |
- +---------------------+---------------------+---------+--------+---------+
- | Multiply | 16 | | | 8x16 |
- +---------------------+---------------------+---------+--------+---------+
- | Add | 8, 16, 32 | | 16 | 16, 32 |
- +---------------------+---------------------+---------+--------+---------+
- ______________________________________________________________________
- In the table, the numbers indicate the field sizes, in bits, for which
- each operation is supported. Even though the table omits many
- instructions including all the more exotic ones, it is clear that
- there are many differences. The direct result is that high-level
- languages (HLLs) really are not very effective as programming models,
- and portability is generally poor.
- Unpartitioned Operations With Correction Code
- Implementing partitioned operations using partitioned instructions can
- certainly be efficient, but what do you do if the partitioned
- operation you need is not supported by the hardware? The answer is
- that you use a series of ordinary instructions to perform the
- operation with carry/borrow across fields, and then correct for the
- undesired field interactions.
- This is a purely software approach, and the corrections do introduce
- overhead, but it works with fully general field partitioning. This
- approach is also fully general in that it can be used either to fill
- gaps in the hardware support for partitioned instructions, or it can
- be used to provide full functionality for target machines that have no
- hardware support at all. In fact, by expressing the code sequences in
- a language like C, this approach allows SWAR programs to be fully
- portable.
- The question immediately arises: precisely how inefficient is it to
- simulate SWAR partitioned operations using unpartitioned operations
- with correction code? Well, that is certainly the $64k question...
- but many operations are not as difficult as one might expect.
- Consider implementing a four-element 8-bit integer vector add of two
- source vectors, x+y, using ordinary 32-bit operations.
- An ordinary 32-bit add might actually yield the correct result, but
- not if any 8-bit field carries into the next field. Thus, our goal is
- simply to ensure that such a carry does not occur. Because adding two
- k-bit fields generates an at most k+1 bit result, we can ensure that
- no carry occurs by simply "masking out" the most significant bit of
- each field. This is done by bitwise anding each operand with
- 0x7f7f7f7f and then performing an ordinary 32-bit add.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- t = ((x & 0x7f7f7f7f) + (y & 0x7f7f7f7f));
- ______________________________________________________________________
- That result is correct... except for the most significant bit within
- each field. Computing the correct value for each field is simply a
- matter of doing two 1-bit partitioned adds of the most significant
- bits from x and y to the 7-bit carry result which was computed for t.
- Fortunately, a 1-bit partitioned add is implemented by an ordinary
- exclusive or operation. Thus, the result is simply:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- (t ^ ((x ^ y) & 0x80808080))
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Ok, well, maybe that isn't so simple. After all, it is six operations
- to do just four adds. However, notice that the number of operations
- is not a function of how many fields there are... so, with more
- fields, we get speedup. In fact, we may get speedup anyway simply
- because the fields were loaded and stored in a single (integer vector)
- operation, register availability may be improved, and there are fewer
- dynamic code scheduling dependencies (because partial word references
- are avoided).
- Controlling Field Values
- While the other two approaches to partitioned operation implementation
- both center on getting the maximum space utilization for the
- registers, it can be computationally more efficient to instead control
- the field values so that inter-field carry/borrow events should never
- occur. For example, if we know that all the field values being added
- are such that no field overflow will occur, a partitioned add
- operation can be implemented using an ordinary add instruction; in
- fact, given this constraint, an ordinary add instruction appears
- polymorphic, and is usable for any field sizes without correction
- code. The question thus becomes how to ensure that field values will
- not cause carry/borrow events.
- One way to ensure this property is to implement partitioned
- instructions that can restrict the range of field values. The Digital
- MAX vector minimum and maximum instructions can be viewed as hardware
- support for clipping field values to avoid inter-field carry/borrow.
- However, suppose that we do not have partitioned instructions that can
- efficiently restrict the range of field values... is there a
- sufficient condition that can be cheaply imposed to ensure
- carry/borrow events will not interfere with adjacent fields? The
- answer lies in analysis of the arithmetic properties. Adding two k-
- bit numbers generates a result with at most k+1 bits; thus, a field of
- k+1 bits can safely contain such an operation despite using ordinary
- instructions.
- Thus, suppose that the 8-bit fields in our earlier example are now
- 7-bit fields with 1-bit "carry/borrow spacers":
- ______________________________________________________________________
- PE3 PE2 PE1 PE0
- +----+-------+----+-------+----+-------+----+-------+
- Reg0 | D' | D 6:0 | C' | C 6:0 | B' | B 6:0 | A' | A 6:0 |
- +----+-------+----+-------+----+-------+----+-------+
- ______________________________________________________________________
- A vector of 7-bit adds is performed as follows. Let us assume that,
- prior to the start of any partitioned operation, all the carry spacer
- bits (A', B', C', and D') have the value 0. By simply executing an
- ordinary add operation, all the fields obtain the correct 7-bit
- values; however, some spacer bit values might now be 1. We can
- correct this by just one more conventional operation, masking-out the
- spacer bits. Our 7-bit integer vector add, x+y, is thus:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ((x + y) & 0x7f7f7f7f)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- This is just two instructions for four adds, clearly yielding good
- speedup.
- The sharp reader may have noticed that setting the spacer bits to 0
- does not work for subtract operations. The correction is, however,
- remarkably simple. To compute x-y, we simply ensure the initial
- condition that the spacers in x are all 1, while the spacers in y are
- all 0. In the worst case, we would thus get:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- (((x | 0x80808080) - y) & 0x7f7f7f7f)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- However, the additional bitwise or operation can often be optimized
- out by ensuring that the operation generating the value for x used |
- 0x80808080 rather than & 0x7f7f7f7f as the last step.
- Which method should be used for SWAR partitioned operations? The
- answer is simply "whichever yields the best speedup." Interestingly,
- the ideal method to use may be different for different field sizes
- within the same program running on the same machine.
- 4.2.3. Communication & Type Conversion Operations
- Although some parallel computations, including many operations on
- image pixels, have the property that the ith value in a vector is a
- function only of values that appear in the ith position of the operand
- vectors, this is generally not the case. For example, even pixel
- operations such as smoothing require values from adjacent pixels as
- operands, and transformations like FFTs require more complex (less
- localized) communication patterns.
- It is not difficult to efficiently implement 1-dimensional nearest
- neighbor communication for SWAR using unpartitioned shift operations.
- For example, to move a value from PEi to PE(i+1), a simple shift
- operation suffices. If the fields are 8-bits in length, we would use:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- (x << 8)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Still, it isn't always quite that simple. For example, to move a
- value from PEi to PE(i-1), a simple shift operation might suffice...
- but the C language does not specify if shifts right preserve the sign
- bit, and some machines only provide signed shift right. Thus, in the
- general case, we must explicitly zero the potentially replicated sign
- bits:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ((x >> 8) & 0x00ffffff)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Adding "wrap-around connections" is also reasonably efficient using
- unpartitioned shifts. For example, to move a value from PEi to
- PE(i+1) with wraparound:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ((x << 8) | ((x >> 24) & 0x000000ff))
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The real problem comes when more general communication patterns must
- be implemented. Only the HP MAX instruction set supports arbitrary
- rearrangement of fields with a single instruction, which is called
- Permute. This Permute instruction is really misnamed; not only can it
- perform an arbitrary permutation of the fields, but it also allows
- repetition. In short, it implements an arbitrary x[y] operation.
- Unfortunately, x[y] is very difficult to implement without such an
- instruction. The code sequence is generally both long and
- inefficient; in fact, it is sequential code. This is very
- disappointing. The relatively high speed of x[y] operations in the
- MasPar MP1/MP2 and Thinking Machines CM1/CM2/CM200 SIMD supercomputers
- was one of the key reasons these machines performed well. However,
- x[y] has always been slower than nearest neighbor communication, even
- on those supercomputers, so many algorithms have been designed to
- minimize the need for x[y] operations. In short, without hardware
- support, it is probably best to develop SWAR algorithms as though x[y]
- wasn't legal... or at least isn't cheap.
- 4.2.4. Recurrence Operations (Reductions, Scans, etc.)
- A recurrence is a computation in which there is an apparently
- sequential relationship between values being computed. However, if
- these recurrences involve associative operations, it may be possible
- to recode the computation using a tree-structured parallel algorithm.
- The most common type of parallelizable recurrence is probably the
- class known as associative reductions. For example, to compute the
- sum of a vector's values, one commonly writes purely sequential C code
- like:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- t = 0;
- for (i=0; i<MAX; ++i) t += x[i];
- ______________________________________________________________________
- However, the order of the additions is rarely important. Floating
- point and saturation math can yield different answers if the order of
- additions is changed, but ordinary wrap-around integer additions will
- yield the same results independent of addition order. Thus, we can
- re-write this sequence into a tree-structured parallel summation in
- which we first add pairs of values, then pairs of those partial sums,
- and so forth, until a single final sum results. For a vector of four
- 8-bit values, just two addition steps are needed; the first step does
- two 8-bit adds, yielding two 16-bit result fields (each containing a
- 9-bit result):
- ______________________________________________________________________
- t = ((x & 0x00ff00ff) + ((x >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff));
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The second step adds these two 9-bit values in 16-bit fields to
- produce a single 10-bit result:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ((t + (t >> 16)) & 0x000003ff)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Actually, the second step performs two 16-bit field adds... but the
- top 16-bit add is meaningless, which is why the result is masked to a
- single 10-bit result value.
- Scans, also known as "parallel prefix" operations, are somewhat harder
- to implement efficiently. This is because, unlike reductions, scans
- produce partitioned results. For this reason, scans can be
- implemented using a fairly obvious sequence of partitioned operations.
- 4.3. MMX SWAR Under Linux
- For Linux, IA32 processors are our primary concern. The good news is
- that AMD, Cyrix, and Intel all implement the same MMX instructions.
- However, MMX performance varies; for example, the K6 has only one MMX
- pipeline - the Pentium with MMX has two. The only really bad news is
- that Intel is still running those stupid MMX commercials.... ;-)
- There are really three approaches to using MMX for SWAR:
- 1. Use routines from an MMX library. In particular, Intel has
- developed several "performance libraries,"
- <http://developer.intel.com/drg/tools/ad.htm>, that offer a variety
- of hand-optimized routines for common multimedia tasks. With a
- little effort, many non-multimedia algorithms can be reworked to
- enable some of the most compute-intensive portions to be
- implemented using one or more of these library routines. These
- libraries are not currently available for Linux, but could be
- ported.
- 2. Use MMX instructions directly. This is somewhat complicated by two
- facts. The first problem is that MMX might not be available on the
- processor, so an alternative implementation must also be provided.
- The second problem is that the IA32 assembler generally used under
- Linux does not currently recognize MMX instructions.
- 3. Use a high-level language or module compiler that can directly
- generate appropriate MMX instructions. Such tools are currently
- under development, but none is yet fully functional under Linux.
- For example, at Purdue University (
- <http://dynamo.ecn.purdue.edu/~hankd/SWAR/>) we are currently
- developing a compiler that will take functions written in an
- explicitly parallel C dialect and will generate SWAR modules that
- are callable as C functions, yet make use of whatever SWAR support
- is available, including MMX. The first prototype module compilers
- were built in Fall 1996, however, bringing this technology to a
- usable state is taking much longer than was originally expected.
- In summary, MMX SWAR is still awkward to use. However, with a little
- extra effort, the second approach given above can be used now. Here
- are the basics:
- 1. You cannot use MMX if your processor does not support it. The
- following GCC code can be used to test if MMX is supported on your
- processor. It returns 0 if not, non-zero if it is supported.
- ___________________________________________________________________
- inline extern
- int mmx_init(void)
- {
- int mmx_available;
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- /* Get CPU version information */
- "movl $1, %%eax\n\t"
- "cpuid\n\t"
- "andl $0x800000, %%edx\n\t"
- "movl %%edx, %0"
- : "=q" (mmx_available)
- : /* no input */
- );
- return mmx_available;
- }
- ___________________________________________________________________
- 2. An MMX register essentially holds one of what GCC would call an
- unsigned long long. Thus, memory-based variables of this type
- become the communication mechanism between your MMX modules and the
- C programs that call them. Alternatively, you can declare your MMX
- data as any 64-bit aligned data structure (it is convenient to
- ensure 64-bit alignment by declaring your data type as a union with
- an unsigned long long field).
- 3. If MMX is available, you can write your MMX code using the .byte
- assembler directive to encode each instruction. This is painful
- stuff to do by hand, but not difficult for a compiler to generate.
- For example, the MMX instruction PADDB MM0,MM1 could be encoded as
- the GCC in-line assembly code:
- ___________________________________________________________________
- __asm__ __volatile__ (".byte 0x0f, 0xfc, 0xc1\n\t");
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Remember that MMX uses some of the same hardware that is used for
- floating point operations, so code intermixed with MMX code must not
- invoke any floating point operations. The floating point stack also
- should be empty before executing any MMX code; the floating point
- stack is normally empty at the beginning of a C function that does not
- use floating point.
- 4. Exit your MMX code by executing the EMMS instruction, which can be
- encoded as:
- ___________________________________________________________________
- __asm__ __volatile__ (".byte 0x0f, 0x77\n\t");
- ___________________________________________________________________
- If the above looks very awkward and crude, it is. However, MMX is
- still quite young.... future versions of this document will offer
- better ways to program MMX SWAR.
- 5. Linux-Hosted Attached Processors
- Although this approach has recently fallen out of favor, it is
- virtually impossible for other parallel processing methods to achieve
- the low cost and high performance possible by using a Linux system to
- host an attached parallel computing system. The problem is that very
- little software support is available; you are pretty much on your own.
- 5.1. A Linux PC Is A Good Host
- In general, attached parallel processors tend to be specialized to
- perform specific types of functions.
- Before becoming discouraged by the fact that you are somewhat on your
- own, it is useful to understand that, although it may be difficult to
- get a Linux PC to appropriately host a particular system, a Linux PC
- is one of the few platforms well suited to this type of use.
- PCs make a good host for two primary reasons. The first is the cheap
- and easy expansion capability; resources such as more memory, disks,
- networks, etc., are trivially added to a PC. The second is the ease
- of interfacing. Not only are ISA and PCI bus prototyping cards widely
- available, but the parallel port offers reasonable performance in a
- completely non-invasive interface. The IA32 separate I/O space also
- facilitates interfacing by providing hardware I/O address protection
- at the level of individual I/O port addresses.
- Linux also makes a good host OS. The free availability of full source
- code, and extensive "hacking" guides, obviously are a tremendous help.
- However, Linux also provides good near-real-time scheduling, and there
- is even a true real-time version of Linux at
- <http://luz.cs.nmt.edu/~rtlinux/>. Perhaps even more important is the
- fact that while providing a full UNIX environment, Linux can support
- development tools that were written to run under Microsoft DOS and/or
- Windows. MSDOS programs can execute within a Linux process using
- dosemu to provide a protected virtual machine that can literally run
- MSDOS. Linux support for Windows 3.xx programs is even more direct:
- free software such as wine, <http://www.linpro.no/wine/>, simulates
- Windows 3.11 well enough for most programs to execute correctly and
- efficiently within a UNIX/X environment.
- The following two sections give examples of attached parallel systems
- that I'd like to see supported under Linux....
- 5.2. Did You DSP That?
- There is a thriving market for high-performance DSP (Digital Signal
- Processing) processors. Although these chips were generally designed
- to be embedded in application-specific systems, they also make great
- attached parallel computers. Why?
- ╖ Many of them, such as the Texas Instruments ( <http://www.ti.com/>)
- TMS320 and the Analog Devices ( <http://www.analog.com/>) SHARC DSP
- families, are designed to construct parallel machines with little
- or no "glue" logic.
- ╖ They are cheap, especially per MIP or MFLOP. Including the cost of
- basic support logic, it is not unheard of for a DSP processor to be
- one tenth the cost of a PC processor with comparable performance.
- ╖ They do not use much power nor generate much heat. This means that
- it is possible to have a bunch of these chips powered by a
- conventional PC's power supply - and enclosing them in your PC's
- case will not turn it into an oven.
- ╖ There are strange-looking things in most DSP instruction sets that
- high-level (e.g., C) compilers are unlikely to use well - for
- example, "Bit Reverse Addressing." Using an attached parallel
- system, it is possible to straightforwardly compile and run most
- code on the host, while running the most time-consuming few
- algorithms on the DSPs as carefully hand-tuned code.
- ╖ These DSP processors are not really designed to run a UNIX-like OS,
- and generally are not very good as stand-alone general-purpose
- computer processors. For example, many do not have memory
- management hardware. In other words, they work best when hosted by
- a more general-purpose machine... such as a Linux PC.
- Although some audio cards and modems include DSP processors that Linux
- drivers can access, the big payoff comes from using an attached
- parallel system that has four or more DSP processors.
- Because the Texas Instruments TMS320 series,
- <http://www.ti.com/sc/docs/dsps/dsphome.htm>, has been very popular
- for a long time, and it is trivial to construct a TMS320-based
- parallel processor, there are quite a few such systems available.
- There are both integer-only and floating-point capable versions of the
- TMS320; older designs used a somewhat unusual single-precision
- floating-point format, but the new models support IEEE formats. The
- older TMS320C4x (aka, 'C4x) achieves up to 80 MFLOPS using the TI-
- specific single-precision floating-point format; in contrast, a single
- 'C67x will provide up to 1 GFLOPS single-precision or 420 MFLOPS
- double-precision for IEEE floating point calculations, using a VLIW-
- based chip architecture called VelociTI. Not only is it easy to
- configure a group of these chips as a multiprocessor, but in a single
- chip, the 'C8x multiprocessor will provide a 100 MFLOPS IEEE floating-
- point RISC master processor along with either two or four integer
- slave DSPs.
- The other DSP processor family that has been used in more than a few
- attached parallel systems lately is the SHARC (aka, ADSP-2106x) from
- Analog Devices <http://www.analog.com/>. These chips can be
- configured as a 6-processor shared memory multiprocessor without
- external glue logic, and larger systems also can be configured using
- six 4-bit links/chip. Most of the larger systems seem targeted to
- military applications, and are a bit pricey. However, Integrated
- Computing Engines, Inc., <http://www.iced.com/>, makes an interesting
- little two-board PCI card set called GreenICE. This unit contains an
- array of 16 SHARC processors, and is capable of delivering a peak
- speed of about 1.9 GFLOPS using a single-precision IEEE format.
- GreenICE costs less than $5,000.
- In my opinion, attached parallel DSPs really deserve a lot more
- attention from the Linux parallel processing community....
- 5.3. FPGAs And Reconfigurable Logic Computing
- If parallel processing is all about getting the highest speedup, then
- why not build custom hardware? Well, we all know the answers; it
- costs too much, takes too long to develop, becomes useless when we
- change the algorithm even slightly, etc. However, recent advances in
- electrically reprogrammable FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays)
- have nullified most of those objections. Now, the gate density is
- high enough so that an entire simple processor can be built within a
- single FPGA, and the time to reconfigure (reprogram) an FPGA has also
- been dropping to a level where it is reasonable to reconfigure even
- when moving from one phase of an algorithm to the next.
- This stuff is not for the weak of heart: you'll have to work with
- hardware description languages like VHDL for the FPGA configuration,
- as well as writing low-level code to interface to programs on the
- Linux host system. However, the cost of FPGAs is low, and especially
- for algorithms operating on low-precision integer data (actually, a
- small superset of the stuff SWAR is good at), FPGAs can perform
- complex operations just about as fast as you can feed them data. For
- example, simple FPGA-based systems have yielded better-than-
- supercomputer times for searching gene databases.
- There are other companies making appropriate FPGA-based hardware, but
- the following two companies represent a good sample.
- Virtual Computer Company offers a variety of products using
- dynamically reconfigurable SRAM-based Xilinx FPGAs. Their 8/16 bit
- "Virtual ISA Proto Board" <http://www.vcc.com/products/isa.html> is
- less than $2,000.
- The Altera ARC-PCI (Altera Reconfigurable Computer, PCI bus),
- <http://www.altera.com/html/new/pressrel/pr_arc-pci.html>, is a
- similar type of card, but uses Altera FPGAs and a PCI bus interface
- rather than ISA.
- Many of the design tools, hardware description languages, compilers,
- routers, mappers, etc., come as object code only that runs under
- Windows and/or DOS. You could simply keep a disk partition with
- DOS/Windows on your host PC and reboot whenever you need to use them,
- however, many of these software packages may work under Linux using
- dosemu or Windows emulators like wine.
- 6. Of General Interest
- The material covered in this section applies to all four parallel
- processing models for Linux.
- 6.1. Programming Languages And Compilers
- I am primarily known as a compiler researcher, so I'd like to be able
- to say that there are lots of really great compilers automatically
- generating efficient parallel code for Linux systems. Unfortunately,
- the truth is that it is hard to beat the performance obtained by
- expressing your parallel program using various explicit communication
- and other parallel operations within C code that is compiled by GCC.
- The following language/compiler projects represent some of the best
- efforts toward producing reasonably efficient code from high-level
- languages. Generally, each is reasonably effective for the kinds of
- programming tasks it targets, but none is the powerful general-purpose
- language and compiler system that will make you forever stop writing C
- programs to compile with GCC... which is fine. Use these languages
- and compilers as they were intended, and you'll be rewarded with
- shorter development times, easier debugging and maintenance, etc.
- There are plenty of languages and compilers beyond those listed here
- (in alphabetical order). A list of freely available compilers (most
- of which have nothing to do with Linux parallel processing) is at
- <http://www.idiom.com/free-compilers/>.
- 6.1.1. Fortran 66/77/PCF/90/HPF/95
- At least in the scientific computing community, there will always be
- Fortran. Of course, now Fortran doesn't mean the same thing it did in
- the 1966 ANSI standard. Basically, Fortran 66 was pretty simple
- stuff. Fortran 77 added tons of features, the most noticeable of
- which were the improved support for character data and the change of
- DO loop semantics. PCF (Parallel Computing Forum) Fortran attempted
- to add a variety of parallel processing support features to 77.
- Fortran 90 is a fully-featured modern language, essentially adding
- C++-like object-oriented programming features and parallel array
- syntax to the 77 language. HPF (High-Performance Fortran,
- <http://www.crpc.rice.edu/HPFF/home.html>), which has itself gone
- through two versions (HPF-1 and HPF-2), is essentially the enhanced,
- standardized, version of what many of us used to know as CM Fortran,
- MasPar Fortran, or Fortran D; it extends Fortran 90 with a variety of
- parallel processing enhancements, largely focussed on specifying data
- layouts. Finally, Fortran 95 represents a relatively minor
- enhancement and refinement of 90.
- What works with C generally can also work with f2c, g77 (a nice Linux-
- specific overview is at <http://linux.uni-
- regensburg.de/psi_linux/gcc/html_g77/g77_91.html>), or the commercial
- Fortran 90/95 products from
- <http://extweb.nag.co.uk/nagware/NCNJNKNM.html>. This is because all
- of these compilers eventually come down to the same code-generation
- used in the back-end of GCC.
- Commercial Fortran parallelizers that can generate code for SMPs are
- available from <http://www.kai.com/> and
- <http://www.psrv.com/vast/vast_parallel.html>. It is not clear if
- these compilers will work for SMP Linux, but it should be possible
- given that the standard POSIX threads (i.e., LinuxThreads) work under
- SMP Linux.
- The Portland Group, <http://www.pgroup.com/>, has commercial
- parallelizing HPF Fortran (and C, C++) compilers that generate code
- for SMP Linux; they also have a version targeting clusters using MPI
- or PVM. FORGE/spf/xHPF products at < http://www.apri.com/> might
- also be useful for SMPs or clusters.
- Freely available parallelizing Fortrans that might be made to work
- with parallel Linux systems include:
- ╖ ADAPTOR (Automatic DAta Parallelism TranslaTOR,
- <http://www.gmd.de/SCAI/lab/adaptor/adaptor_home.html>), which can
- translate HPF into Fortran 77/90 code with MPI or PVM calls, but
- does not mention Linux.
- ╖ Fx <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fx/Fx> at Carnegie Mellon targets some
- workstation clusters, but Linux?
- ╖ HPFC (prototype HPF Compiler,
- <http://www.cri.ensmp.fr/~coelho/hpfc.html>) generates Fortran 77
- code with PVM calls. Is it usable on a Linux cluster?
- ╖ Can PARADIGM (PARAllelizing compiler for DIstributed-memory
- General-purpose Multicomputers,
- <http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/Paradigm/>) be used with Linux?
- ╖ The Polaris compiler,
- <http://ece.www.ecn.purdue.edu/~eigenman/polaris/>, generates
- Fortran code for shared memory multiprocessors, and may soon be
- retargeted to PAPERS Linux clusters.
- <http://www.irisa.fr/EXTERNE/projet/pampa/PREPARE/prepare.html>,
- targets MPI clusters... it is not clear if it can generate code to
- run on IA32 processors.
- ╖ Combining ADAPT and ADLIB, shpf (Subset High Performance Fortran
- compilation system,
- <http://www.ccg.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Projects/shpf/shpf.html>) is public
- domain and generates Fortran 90 with MPI calls... so, if you have
- a Fortran 90 compiler under Linux....
- ╖ SUIF (Stanford University Intermediate Form, see
- <http://suif.stanford.edu/>) has parallelizing compilers for both C
- and Fortran. This is also the focus of the National Compiler
- Infrastructure Project... so, is anybody targeting parallel Linux
- systems?
- I'm sure that I have omitted many potentially useful compilers for
- various dialects of Fortran, but there are so many that it is
- difficult to keep track. In the future, I would prefer to list only
- those compilers known to work with Linux. Please email comments
- and/or corrections to pplinux@ecn.purdue.edu.
- 6.1.2. GLU (Granular Lucid)
- GLU (Granular Lucid) is a very high-level programming system based on
- a hybrid programming model that combines intensional (Lucid) and
- imperative models. It supports both PVM and TCP sockets. Does it run
- under Linux? More information is available at
- <http://www.csl.sri.com/GLU.html>.
- 6.1.3. Jade And SAM
- Jade is a parallel programming language that extends C to exploit
- coarse-grain concurrency in sequential, imperative programs. It
- assumes a distributed shared memory model, which is implemented by SAM
- for workstation clusters using PVM. More information is available at
- <http://suif.stanford.edu/~scales/sam.html>.
- 6.1.4. Mentat And Legion
- Mentat is an object-oriented parallel processing system that works
- with workstation clusters and has been ported to Linux. Mentat
- Programming Language (MPL) is an object-oriented programming language
- based on C++. The Mentat run-time system uses something vaguely
- resembling non-blocking remote procedure calls. More information is
- available at <http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~mentat/>.
- Legion <http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~legion/> is built on top on
- Mentat, providing the appearance of a single virtual machine across
- wide-area networked machines.
- 6.1.5. MPL (MasPar Programming Language)
- Not to be confussed with Mentat's MPL, this language was originally
- developed as the native parallel C dialect for the MasPar SIMD
- supercomputers. Well, MasPar isn't really in that business any more
- (they are now NeoVista Solutions, <http://www.neovista.com>, a data
- mining company), but their MPL compiler was built using GCC, so it is
- still freely available. In a joint effort between the University of
- Alabama at Huntsville and Purdue University, MasPar's MPL has been
- retargeted to generate C code with AFAPI calls (see section 3.6), and
- thus runs on both Linux SMPs and clusters. The compiler is, however,
- somewhat buggy... see
- <http://www.math.luc.edu/~laufer/mspls/papers/cohen.ps>.
- 6.1.6. PAMS (Parallel Application Management System)
- Myrias is a company selling a software product called PAMS (Parallel
- Application Management System). PAMS provides very simple directives
- for virtual shared memory parallel processing. Networks of Linux
- machines are not yet supported. See <http://www.myrias.com/> for
- more information.
- 6.1.7. Parallaxis-III
- Parallaxis-III is a structured programming language that extends
- Modula-2 with "virtual processors and connections" for data
- parallelism (a SIMD model). The Parallaxis software comprises
- compilers for sequential and parallel computer systems, a debugger
- (extensions to the gdb and xgbd debugger), and a large variety of
- sample algorithms from different areas, especially image processing.
- This runs on sequential Linux systems... an old version supported
- various parallel targets, and the new version also will (e.g.,
- targeting a PVM cluster). More information is available at
- <http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ipvr/bv/p3/p3.html>.
- 6.1.8. pC++/Sage++
- pC++/Sage++ is a language extension to C++ that permits data-parallel
- style operations using "collections of objects" from some base
- "element" class. It is a preprocessor generating C++ code that can
- run under PVM. Does it run under Linux? More information is
- available at <http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/sage/>.
- 6.1.9. SR (Synchronizing Resources)
- SR (Synchronizing Resources) is a concurrent programming language in
- which resources encapsulate processes and the variables they share;
- operations provide the primary mechanism for process interaction. SR
- provides a novel integration of the mechanisms for invoking and
- servicing operations. Consequently, all of local and remote procedure
- call, rendezvous, message passing, dynamic process creation,
- multicast, and semaphores are supported. SR also supports shared
- global variables and operations.
- It has been ported to Linux, but it isn't clear what parallelism it
- can execute with. More information is available at
- <http://www.cs.arizona.edu/sr/www/index.html>.
- 6.1.10. ZPL And IronMan
- ZPL is an array-based programming language intended to support
- engineering and scientific applications. It generates calls to a
- simple message-passing interface called IronMan, and the few functions
- which constitute this interface can be easily implemented using nearly
- any message-passing system. However, it is primarily targeted to PVM
- and MPI on workstation clusters, and Linux is supported. More
- information is available at
- <http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/projects/orca3/zpl/www/>.
- 6.2. Performance Issues
- There are a lot of people who spend a lot of time benchmarking
- particular motherboards, network cards, etc., trying to determine
- which is the best. The problem with that approach is that by the time
- you've been able to benchmark something, it is no longer the best
- available; it even may have been taken off the market and replaced by
- a revised model with entirely different properties.
- Buying PC hardware is like buying orange juice. Usually, it is made
- with pretty good stuff no matter what company name is on the label.
- Few people know, or care, where the components (or orange juice
- concentrate) came from. That said, there are some hardware
- differences that you should pay attention to. My advice is simply
- that you be aware of what you can expect from the hardware under
- Linux, and then focus your attention on getting rapid delivery, a good
- price, and a reasonable policy for returns.
- An excellent overview of the different PC processors is given in
- <http://www.pcguide.com/ref/cpu/fam/>; in fact, the whole WWW site
- <http://www.pcguide.com/> is full of good technical overviews of PC
- hardware. It is also useful to know a bit about performance of
- specific hardware configurations, and the Linux Benchmarking HOWTO
- <http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Benchmarking-HOWTO.html> is a good
- place to start.
- The Intel IA32 processors have many special registers that can be used
- to measure the performance of a running system in exquisite detail.
- Intel VTune, <http://developer.intel.com/design/perftool/vtune/>,
- uses the performance registers extensively in a very complete code-
- tuning system... that unfortunately doesn't run under Linux. A
- loadable module device driver, and library routines, for accessing the
- Pentium performance registers is available from
- <http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/akinlar/driver.html>. Keep in mind that
- these performance registers are different on different IA32
- processors; this code works only with Pentium, not with 486, Pentium
- Pro, Pentium II, K6, etc.
- Another comment on performance is appropriate, especially for those of
- you who want to build big clusters and put them in small spaces. At
- least some modern processors incorporate thermal sensors and circuits
- that are used to slow the internal clock rate if operating temperature
- gets too high (an attempt to reduce heat output and improve
- reliability). I'm not suggesting that everyone should go buy a
- peltier device (heat pump) to cool each CPU, but you should be aware
- that high operating temperature does not just shorten component life -
- it also can directly reduce system performance. Do not arrange your
- computers in physical configurations that block airflow, trap heat
- within confined areas, etc.
- Finally, performance isn't just speed, but also reliability and
- availability. High reliability means that your system almost never
- crashes, even when components fail... which generally requires
- special features like redundant power supplies and hot-swap
- motherboards. That usually isn't cheap. High availability refers to
- the concept that your system is available for use nearly all the
- time... the system may crash when components fail, but the system is
- quickly repaired and rebooted. There is a High-Availability HOWTO
- that discusses many of the basic issues. However, especially for
- clusters, high availablity can be achieved simply by having a few
- spares. I recommend at least one spare, and prefer to have at least
- one spare for every 16 machines in a large cluster. Discarding faulty
- hardware and replacing it with a spare can yield both higher
- availability and lower cost than a maintenance contract.
- 6.3. Conclusion - It's Out There
- So, is anybody doing parallel processing using Linux? Yes!
- It wasn't very long ago that a lot of people were wondering if the
- death of many parallel-processing supercomputer companies meant that
- parallel processing was on its way out. I didn't think it was dead
- then (see <http://dynamo.ecn.purdue.edu/~hankd/Opinions/pardead.html>
- for a fun overview of what I think really happened), and it seems
- quite clear now that parallel processing is again on the rise. Even
- Intel, which just recently stopped making parallel supercomputers, is
- proud of the parallel processing support in things like MMX and the
- upcoming IA64 EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computer).
- If you search for "Linux" and "parallel" with your favorite search
- engine, you'll find quite a few places are involved in parallel
- processing using Linux. In particular, Linux PC clusters seem to be
- popping-up everywhere. The appropriateness of Linux, combined with
- the low cost and high performance of PC hardware, have made parallel
- processing using Linux a popular approach to supercomputing for both
- small, budget-constrained, groups and large, well-funded, national
- research laboratories.
- Various projects listed elsewhere in this document maintain lists of
- "kindred" research sites that have similar parallel Linux
- configurations. However, at
- <http://yara.ecn.purdue.edu/~pplinux/Sites/>, there is a hypertext
- document intended to provide photographs, descriptions, and contact
- information for all the various sites using Linux systems for parallel
- processing. To have information about your site posted there:
- ╖ You must have a "permanent" parallel Linux site: an SMP, cluster
- of machines, SWAR system, or PC with attached processor, which is
- configured to allow users to execute parallel programs under Linux.
- A Linux-based software environment (e.g., PVM, MPI, AFAPI) that
- directly supports parallel processing must be installed on the
- system. However, the hardware need not be dedicated to parallel
- processing under Linux, and may be used for completely different
- purposes when parallel programs are not being run.
- ╖ Request that your site be listed. Send your site information to
- pplinux@ecn.purdue.edu. Please follow the format used in other
- entries for your site information. No site will be listed without
- an explicit request from the contact person for that site.
- There are 14 clusters in the current listing, but we are aware of at
- least several dozen Linux clusters world-wide. Of course, listing
- does not imply any endorsement, etc.; our hope is simply to increase
- awareness, research, and collaboration involving parallel processing
- using Linux.